Ch 21: Drunk conversations//Short

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Moon's POV:

I was carrying a poor and drunk Sundrop back to the daycare. We were both pretty drunk but Sunny wines for me to carry him back which I didn't bother to go up against. Sun wouldn't stop groaning and trying to shift out of my grasp.

"Moon *hic* y," Sun spoke, "I'm tired."

"I know Sunny," I responded, "We're almost home."

Sun groaned again and buried his face in my chest. We finally reached the daycare after a few minutes and went straight to the tower that lead to our bedrooms. I set Sun down on his bed and laid besides him. I felt too lazy and drunk to go back to my own bed. Besides if Sunny was drunk he would probably need somebody to be besides him.. so did I. I slept close to Sundrop with his smaller self cuddled right against me. Sun started mumbling something that I couldn't make out and ignored it.



"When we..get married *snore* we're having a star the-themed *hic* wedding!"

"S-Sun! It's too early for that.."

He fell asleep.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling. I started to think about what Sundrop said..about a wedding. It had only been a month and a half since we started dating but now I can't stop thinking about marriage.

"Star themed huh Sundrop?" I whispered quietly, brushing my hand against his face. "I think that's a great idea."

The Wires to My Heart//Sundrop x MoondropWhere stories live. Discover now