Part 29: More Good Shinobi- wait wha?

Start from the beginning

Reed: Gessen? Is that like a Shinobi school or something? 

Asuka: I think I've heard of it before. 

Roy: Tell us! We need to know before they begin fighting us! 

Asuka: It's another good Shinobi academy made by my grandfather's rival Kurokage.

Roy: So? Why are they attacking us then!?

Yumi: You wouldn't understand. Now, let me fight Asuka so I can show that cursed man Hanzō what I am truly made of.

Reed: What did that man do again?

Yumi: He sexually harassed us. And on top of that he ate the gift I was going to give to my grandfather Kurokage.

Reed: That son of a [REDACTED]!!

Roy: That is damned messed us if I was there.

Yumi: But answer me, is it true that you are affiliated with evil Shinobi?

Reed: Kinda. Not 100% though. We're rivals that's for sure.

Yumi: So, when the time comes, will you kill them?

Roy: Not a chance. We'd never kill unless deemed needed. We don't need to kill them.

Yumi: My grandfather said that true happiness will only exist if evil doesn't. 

Reed: Then, good will never exist too. Good was never created. Rather it was a means to stop evil, another thing that was never created. So if you eradicate evil, you will also be eradicating good along with it.

Yumi: What are you saying?

Reed: It's the yin-yang paradox. If good does not exist neither will evil. If evil does not exist neither will good. So you're gonna have to keep some evil people.

Yumi: *Dismisses it* Arguing will get us nowhere. Come on, fight us-

*The rest of the Hanzō students come*


E: Lemme count... 5... 10... 12... 18... gosh there are 18 Hanzō students right now! Sooooo... I'ma grab a random spinner 


Reed: So, there are 18 of us and 5 of you. Yumi wants to fight Asuka so that is settled. Why don't we draw straws? *Pulls out 17 straws* The longest gets in the fight.

Everyone: Deal.

Roy: Wait a minute let us do the spinning.

*After 4 irl random spins*

Reed: Yagyū, you fight Yozakura.

Yagyū: Right. *Prepares her weapon*

Roy: Orange, you are up against Shiki.

Orange: Great! *Summons his sword* Get ready! 

Reed: I feel sorry for Minori but Hikage, it's your turn.

Hikage: Great... *Pulls out her knife*

Reed: Ah shoot... *Swaps Hibari's straw* Oh, Roy. It seems you'll be fighting Murakumo.

Roy: Alright! Let's take this battle sky high!

Reed: We'll watch you from here! Stay safe and don't die! 

*The 5 begin they're own separate clash*

Reed: Just in case Asuka loses. She won't. How about we draw straws to fight Yumi? 


*Roy POV*

Roy: So, we do a Kekkai or nah?

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