Fiona carries Cam to a booth, sitting down with him on her lap. Fiona turns Cam so his back is against her chest. She brings out a bib from her bag, putting it on Cam.

"No, no, no. OFF, OFF." Cam violently tugs at the bib.

"Baby, this is not okay. You know you get messy while eating. I will not tolerate a tantrum." Fiona sternly says, putting his hands off the bib.

"What happened?" Emma comes with the ice creams just at that moment.

"He was about to throw a tantrum because he didn't want to wear a bib." Fiona informs Emma while Cam slouches down on her lap.

"Here buddy, your favorite ice cream." Emma says enthusiastically to brighten up Cam.

Cam goes to reach out for the ice cream, but his hands get pulled by Fiona.

"I'll feed you baby, settle down." Fiona shifts Cam so he is sitting sideways on her lap.

Fiona starts feeding Cam his ice cream, to avoid a mess. She eats her own simultaneously.

"Bye sweetheart." The lady at the counter says when they are walking out of the ice cream parlor.

Cam blushes red, hiding his face in Fiona's chest.

"Say bye, baby." Fiona takes his hand, waving it to the lady. Fiona can't get over how Cam is so adorable even without trying.

"Let's go." Emma says, walking out first. The other two follow.

"Sit with you." Cam clutches Fiona's clothes when she goes to place him in the car seat.

"You want to sit with me?" Cam nods. "That's okay. We can both sit in the back."

"Drive us to home, chauffeur." Fiona orders Emma, suppressing a laugh. Cam, however, starts giggling.

"Oh, you guys are gonna pay for it, one day." Emma gets into the driver's seat, hiding a smile.

Fiona sits in the back, Cam on her lap. Halfway through the journey, she notices Cam to take off one his socks and throw it behind the seats. She realizes where the shoes must have gone.

"Why are you throwing away your socks, buddy?" Cam gets startled. He has been caught in the act.

"Nothing." Cam mumbles, playing with his fingers.

"What happened?" Emma asks from the front.

"This little buddy has been throwing his shoes and socks in the back. That's why we couldn't find the shoes earlier." Fiona pinches his cheeks, totally amused.

"Yeah, sounds like something he'd do." Emma laughs, focusing on the road again.


Cam starts running around as soon as Fiona sets him down after getting out of the car. The sugar rush has definitely kicked in.

"Good luck handling him." Emma comments as going inside the house.

"Oh, you are going to help." Fiona says.

"No, not at all. It was not my idea to get him ice cream, darling." Emma smiles at Fiona, sitting down on the couch.

"You're mean." Fiona says, sitting down on the couch as well.

"I'll get over it." Emma turns on the TV.

Emma goes back outside again, to check on Cam. She is very paranoid when it comes to Cam. She sees him running around in the grass.

"Come here, butterfly. It's getting dark." Fiona calls out. Surprisingly, Cam does listen to her.

Fiona curses herself when she sees Cam with just one sock. She totally forgot about the whole shoe incident.

"Oh my god. Let's get you in a bath." Fiona picks him up.

"What happened to him?" Emma snorts with laughter.

"I forgot about his lack of shoes. So, a bath is necessary." Fiona explains to Emma.

"I'll come too. Let's go." They head upstairs, to the bathroom.

Fiona puts Cam on the counter, getting him out of his clothes. She places him in the bath tub and fills it with bubbles.

Cam starts playing with his rubber duck, while Fiona bathes him. After some time, the words of the lady in the ice cream parlor, comes to his mind. And as innocent he is, he blurts out.

"Are you my mommy?" Cam looks up at Fiona, with wide eyes.

Fiona is taken aback. Neither she nor Emma was expecting such a question, at such a random time.

"What, baby?" Fiona asks, in disbelief.

"Are you my mommy?" Cam asks again, looking a little sad when Fiona didn't say yes.

Fiona looks at Emma.

"Do you want me to be, baby?" Fiona caresses Cam's cheeks, tears filling her eyes.

"Yes." Cam replies instantaneously. He wants a mommy.

Fiona pulls Cam to her chest, crying her heart out. This is what she wanted. She still can't believe it's real. So, she is enjoying the moment, as much as she can.

Fiona pulls Emma also for a hug.

They finally separate after few minutes.

"Don't cry." Cam wipes away Fiona's tears.

"I won't, baby." Fiona kisses his forehead. "Let's continue the bath."

Fiona puts Cam in the tub, again. Looking down at herself, she sees her now wet clothes, for when she picked up Cam. But she doesn't care.


"I want chocolate milk." Cam whines. He doesn't want to drink plain milk.

"None of that, Cam. Listen to Fiona." Emma says in a stern voice. This voice can make Cam an obedient kid for a little while.

"Come here." Fiona cradles a naked Cam on her lap, on the couch. She rubs the silicone nipples across Cam's lips.

"Open your mouth, baby." Fiona says in the gentlest voice. She likes the silence. It makes Cam fall asleep sooner.

Fiona burps him after he has finished his milk. She goes upstairs to his bedroom, with Emma following her.

"Good night, lady bug." Fiona kisses Cam's forehead.

"Good night, mama." Cam replies drowsily. Fiona can never get bored of that.

"Good night, buddy." Emma kisses his temple, which receives nothing but a groan from him. They get out of the room, leaving the door slightly open.

"Can you imagine I know him, my whole life? And he doesn't even acknowledge my good night." Emma huffs.

"Well, I'm the best, you know." Fiona laughs.

"But... Where are you going to sleep?" Fiona asks Emma, her face telling whole another story.

They lean in to kiss each other. They enter Fiona's bedroom.

AN: So, here we go. 

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