Chapter 12 - The Moonstone

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In the Corona's castle medical wing room, Rapunzel was laying down her back on the bed. She was nervous.

Eugene was sympathetic. He looked down at her. "Rapunzel, you're going to be okay. Just close your eyes and breathe." Eugene reminds her.

The princess nodded her head twice. Rapunzel shuts her eyes. She was taking deep breaths with ease.

Varian goes to Eugene. Varian was solemn. "You can do it, Eugene." Varian said.

Eugene faced Varian. Eugene was smiling yet sad. "I appreciate your support, brother." He said.

Varian made a sad smile to Eugene. "We're finally helping the princess. She's going to live, brother. And we will continue to help Rapunzel recover from amnesia." Varian believed.

Eugene's left hand grasped Varian's right hand. Varian's right hand grasps Eugene's left hand back. They raised their arms together up.

Eugene was affectionate. "Together as Team Awesome, Varian?" Eugene asked.

Varian was glad. "Together as Team Awesome, Eugene." Varian answered.

Eugene and Varian faces the king in puzzlement.

Eugene was serious. "Dad, get everyone to hold Rapunzel." He commands.

King Edmund was resolute. He nodded his head to Eugene. King Edmund faced the group. "You heard my son, everyone! Help the princess!" He ordered in exclamation.

Everyone went into their positions.

Adira and Cassandra steadies Rapunzel's legs. They are determined.

King Edmund and Hector held onto Rapunzel's right arm. They are fierce.

Ruddiger and Pascal comforted Rapunzel on her head.

Varian and Quirin holds onto Rapunzel's left arm. Varian was anxious. "Dad..." he said. Quirin was confident yet bothered. "It's all right, Varian...The princess is going to be fine, you will see..." Quirin reassured. Varian was happy yet frightened.

Eugene stared at Rapunzel. He was unease.

Eugene has so many questions in his mind. What if the princess gets hurt after I take the Moonstone? What if I end up like Rapunzel after I grabbed the Moonstone? What if we all get knocked out after I clutched the Moonstone?

Eugene was sweating like a pig.

Cassandra was peeved. "Just take the Moonstone, Fitzherbert!" She shouted.

Eugene was cringed from Cassandra. He was frowning at Cassandra. "Hey! I'm scared of harming Rapunzel, okay!" Eugene retorted.

Adira was bemused yet stern. She raises her eyebrow. "Fishskin, whatever happens to the princess, give her time to heal." Adira mentioned.

King Edmund was concerned. "Adira was right, Eugene. Rapunzel has been thru a lot of stress. And the amnesia was much worse. She needs to remember to calm down. Take one day at a time. We're all with you for the princess." King Edmund aforesaid.

They all urged Eugene to take the Moonstone to save Rapunzel.

"You can do this, son." King Edmund said.

"Do it." Hector said.

"We're here for Rapunzel, Fishskin." Adira said.

"For Rapunzel, Fitzherbert." Cassandra said.

Varian and Quirin are compassionate. "For Rapunzel, Eugene." They said in unison.

Eugene took a deep breath. He was in pressure yet encouraged.

Eugene was putting himself his brave face on. He slowly goes near the Moonstone. Eugene touches it.

The Moonstone brights up a bit.

Eugene was bewildered. Then, he was annoyed. "Oh come on." Eugene whispered. He used his both hands to gripped the Moonstone. It glows brighter.

Varian was alarmed. "Hold onto Rapunzel now!" He exclaimed.

Everyone (except Eugene) clasped the princess hard.

They shut their eyes from the white light.

Eugene tightens his eyes shut. He heaved the Moonstone with his hands. Eugene uses a lot of his strength.

Rapunzel closed her eyes tighter. She clenched her teeth.

Eugene was furrowing his eyebrows. "AAAHHHH!!" He screamed.

Rapunzel grunted. She was bracing her agonizing pain.

Eugene tries again to pulled the Moonstone harder. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" He screams louder.

And suddenly, the force from within the Moonstone countered Eugene.

They all have been fallen backwards.

Eugene tumbled down hard. He was bumped against the wall.

The Moonstone's glow subsided.

Rapunzel opened her eyes. She looked at her chest. Rapunzel was stunned. Her opal has the colors of blue and yellow combined.

Eugene was perturbed. He was irritated. "Man, that was painful." Eugene commented.

Rapunzel stands herself halfway up. She was sitting on the bed. Rapunzel was fearful. "Uh, I don't know what this means right now." She said.

Varian got up steady from the floor. He witnessed at the Moonstone. Varian was astonished. He has his eyes widened. Varian faced Eugene. "Brother! We got an 'Uh oh' here!" Varian shouted.

Eugene stands up steadily. He goes to Varian. Eugene was quizzed. He raised his eyebrow at Varian. "What do you mean 'Uh oh'?" Eugene wondered.

Varian gestured out to Eugene. "This is what I mean an 'Uh oh'." Varian replied in utterance.

Eugene glanced at Rapunzel's chest. He was terror-stricken. Eugene gasps.

The princess still has the Moonstone. The colors of blue and yellow swirls in mesmerize-mode. The opal contains the magical forces like two elements in one.

Eugene was disbelieved. "Uh oh..." he said.

How is Eugene and Varian are going to tell King Frederic? About the Moonstone still bonds with Rapunzel?

Last part soon!

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