Prologue - Varian's Narration

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Varian's POV;

This is a story how Eugene and I saved the princess of Corona. Well, technically, it's Team Awesome. Don't sweat it.

Anyway, one year ago, I kinda worked out my goo trap for the raccoon one morning. For what actually surprise me nearly noon, my goo trap caught my favorite storybook character to life. His name was Flynn Rider. Well, he was and I haven't know his real name before. You see, I made a deal with Flynn that he would take me to the tower. My dad, Quirin, told me a story about the princess named Rapunzel. She has mysteriously disappeared for eighteen years. Rapunzel was only the baby then. I figured out why by Xavier the blacksmith of Corona. He told me about The Legend of the Sundrop Flower. I might have took his satchel away before I freed the thief, Flynn Rider. Me and Flynn are unusual friends at first. Then, some trouble got in our way.

The scary ruffians. The Stabbington Brothers which Flynn called them. They want the crown. That's what Flynn stole from the castle of Corona. He dragged me to the river. Just to get away from the cruel ruffians. And then, Flynn Rider saved me from drowning. I lost the crown in the river. And when I see Flynn again, I apologized to him for losing the crown. That's when I knew his real name. He calls himself Eugene Fitzherbert. He and I have been thru a longer way. We have made it to the tower. I got a raccoon named Ruddiger. Eugene and I went to the haunted cottage. We've learned that it was Gothel who kidnapped Rapunzel. And abandoned her own daughter, Cassandra. According to Eugene, she was the royal guard to her father. Cassandra used to work as lady-in-waiting. And she came back to her other job. After Cassandra brought Rapunzel back to her home kingdom. Ever since Eugene and I met unexpectedly, our dreams combined. We became Team Awesome. Of course, Eugene and I are together as friends for one year later.

From Old Corona, Eugene and I built a nice and sturdy rowboat. We tested it out. Then, Eugene brought me in the rowboat. My dad faced the danger that approaches him. Eugene and I learned that it was the Dark Kingdom warrior named Hector who came to Old Corona. I still don't understand why. We didn't see Quirin, my dad, again until the Moonstone Chamber. Turns out he won the battle against Hector. On the way to the Dark Kingdom, Eugene and I encountered unusual friends. Another Dark Kingdom warrior named Adira. She really likes to make nicknames. I was called Blue-stripe. And I don't want to go on about Eugene's nickname. It was bad in my opinion. There was a thief named Lance Strongbow. Somehow, Eugene and Lance are friends since the orphanage. Eugene and I have animal friends too. Maximus the Coronan Guard Horse. And my raccoon buddy Ruddiger. I got the raccoon from the tower. It was following me ever since I was four or five years old. For Maximus...let's just saaaay the guard horse has come to us for Rapunzel's crown. The guard horse of Corona was useful. And our adventures are fascinating yet unexpectedly. Like I said, we were friends for one year. For passing the con horse, the Terapi Island and the Pirate's ship. The Pirate's ship though was really the thugs from the Snuggling Duckling. That's what Eugene believes. And they're not so bad once Eugene and I got used to them. Before the Dark Kingdom, we saved Rapunzel from dehydration. Annnnd we have to save her again. The princess of Corona has taken the Moonstone. She was not herself. Rapunzel knew about Eugene and her crown being stolen. She did have it back. Just not how we anticipated. I was right for one thing. Rapunzel DID ran off on her own. She just wants to know what happened to her crown. Rapunzel was upset. She feels like her home kingdom of Corona was another prison. Rapunzel deserves better. She was mad about her dad, the king of Corona. I have tried to get Eugene to like the princess. Sadly, he was scared of her. Eugene was also scared of losing me over Rapunzel. So, Eugene and I stayed in the Dark Kingdom. We learned from Quirin, my dad, that the princess was after the pieces of the Demanitus Scroll. Just to end Corona. There was more mysteries between the Sundrop and the Moonstone, including the ancient scroll. Eugene and I are gonna save Rapunzel again. Even it was only gonna take a teamwork to do it. Me and Eugene as Team Awesome.

And to do it how...That was one of our ideas we're still working on...

Eugene and I are just going over things on my illustrations in the guest room.

I have made lots of sketches on my big sketchbook.

I was liking about my idea of the hot-air balloon.

Then again from Eugene, he seems to be confident yet awkward. "That's great, brother. To get back to Corona in one situation was resolved. But..." Eugene added. He was bothered. Eugene raises his eyebrow at me. "How in the world?! Are we going to stop Rapunzel?! For invading her kingdom with the black rocks, Varian?!" Eugene asked in exclamation.

I was baffled. I raised my eyebrow at Eugene. And I shrugged. "I don't know!" I answered in exclamation.

I was kinda annoyed that neither of us have a plan to stop. OR save Rapunzel from taking Corona with the black rocks.

Sadly, she destroyed our rowboat before Rapunzel runs back to Corona.

So, we're locked in the Dark Kingdom.

My dad told me and Eugene to stay put.

My dad, Quirin, goes to the king in the throne room.

King Edmund and my dad are gonna confront at each other.

My dad, Quirin, has so much to say to the king.

He was concerning about us.

Next part soon!

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