Chapter 3 - The Stabbington Brothers' Revenge

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In the Dark Kingdom's dining room, King Edmund and Eugene are having a staring contest.

King Edmund was awkward.

Eugene was annoyed.

King Edmund sighs. "In case you are wondering, son, I loved the adventures of Flynnigan Rider books too." King Edmund mentioned.

Eugene raises his eyebrow. "Do you, dad?" He asked.

King Edmund nodded his head. "Yes." He answered.

Eugene huffs himself. "That's one thing we have in common." He added, stating. Eugene was frowning. "Look, we have just previously met for a few days. This whole 'getting to know you' kind of things is gonna take a lot more time. Perhaps longer we have not seen each other for twenty-five years." He uttered.

King Edmund was pathetic. "I understand, son." He added. "I just wish I could have go back in time to set things right. Yet it also means deserting the Moonstone." King Edmund said.

Eugene was peeved. "Quirin was right about one thing that you should have done, dad." Eugene aforementioned.

King Edmund was puzzled. "What's that, son?" He wondered.

Eugene took a deep breath. "You should have settle down with me instead of guarding the Moonstone." He added, replying. Eugene was melancholy. "Then I wouldn't be a thief and met Varian unknowingly." He aforesaid.

King Edmund made a sad smile. "Maybe we both need to work things out. Possibly a bonding moment between you and me...Eugene..." King Edmund suggests.

Eugene smiled. He rolled his eyes. Eugene was confident. "We'll figure everything out, dad." He said.

Lance was hurrying to King Edmund and Eugene. He was alarmed. "Guys, guys!" Lance exclaimed.

King Edmund and Eugene are facing Lance. They are perplexed.

King Edmund was raising his eyebrow. "What's the urgency, Lance?" King Edmund asked.

Lance gestures out to them. "Your majesty! Eugene! We got ruffians at the gates!" Lance shouted.

Eugene was astonished. "Varian..." he added, whispering. Eugene got up from the chair. Lance lead Eugene a way. King Edmund follows them. Eugene rushes out of the dining room. "I hope he's okay." He said.


Outside of the Dark Kingdom, the two ruffians captured Varian.

The ruffian with sideburns are tying up Varian with rope. He had Varian's arms on Varian's back. The ruffian with an eyepatch holds Varian. The ruffian with sideburns are devious. "You've got spunk, kid. I'll give you that." He said.

Varian tightens his teeth. He was perturbed. Varian struggles in the Stabbington brothers' clutches. He was vexed at them. "You're way too late for the princess's crown!" Varian shouts.

Sideburns chuckles dastardly.

Varian frowns at him.

Sideburns was cunning. "We have a better goal than the crown, kid." He added. Sideburns was annoyed. "We want the last ancient scroll piece instead." He said.

Varian was staggered. "What?" He inquired. Varian was anxious.

Sideburns was foul. "In fact, Flynn Rider will give up his puzzle scroll piece for you, kid." He added. Varian was shocked. He gasped. Sideburns brought out a white cloth. "Let's see how scared you are for being captive." He said.

Varian glanced away from the Stabbington brothers.

Sideburns wrapped Varian's mouth with the white cloth. He gagged the kid.

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