Chapter 10 - King Frederic's Request

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Note: The blue little woman ghost (The Enchanted Girl) has a name. I used it based on the actress. Thank you and enjoy.

In the Old Corona, the hot-air balloon was landed near the village.

It was morning on the next day.

Cassandra rides Maximus. Pascal was with her. They both looked worried for Rapunzel.

Quirin taught Lance to take care of the pumpkins in his garden.

Quirin plows out the soils.

Despite how Lance makes mistakes, he was doing his best to not overwater the pumpkins.

In Varian's house, Eugene was on the hammock, he contemplates the torn-corner piece of the ancient scroll. Eugene was solemn. He still can't believe that the evil ghost called Zhan Tiri cursed Varian.

Eugene puts the last ancient scroll piece away. He got off the hammock.

Varian was melancholy on his bed. Ruddiger cuddles Varian near his head. The raccoon was squeaking gloomily. Ruddiger wanted to help his friend. The raccoon kissed Varian's forehead. He made a sad smile at Ruddiger. Varian petted the raccoon's head twice. "Thanks, buddy. Anyhow, I'm not doing great after my nightmare last night." He said.

Eugene stared at Varian. He walked forth to him. Eugene sat on Varian's bed. Eugene's right hand holds Varian's right shoulder. "I'm sorry about what happened last night, Varian..." Eugene added. "Now that we know who cursed you...I guess we can't rescue Rapunzel with the evil ghost lady around..." he mentioned.

Varian stroked Ruddiger's back a few times. "If we face Rapunzel, not even knowing that Zhan Tiri will talk her into using the Reverse Incantation...That's the end of Team Awesome..." he believes.

Eugene was sympathetic. "Hey, we did good for our Team Awesome times." He said.

Varian sighs. "But we failed to get the princess's crown back...We failed Rapunzel..." he aforementioned.

Eugene picked Varian up. Eugene embraced Varian in his arms. "Brother, we didn't come really far away from Old Corona...Just to be stumped by the wicked Lady Squidbottom spirit..." Eugene added. Varian looks up pathetically. Eugene was comforting Varian. "We'll figure out a way to catch the little evil ghost lady somehow..." Eugene reassured.

Varian embraces Eugene back. Varian was glum. "I can't bear to have a fate to be my end from the princess..." he said.

Varian closed his eyes.

Eugene grasped Varian. "I couldn't take losing you from Rapunzel either..." Eugene added. He glimpsed Ruddiger. The raccoon was confused. Eugene gestures to Ruddiger. Eugene was waving at the raccoon. "Come here, Ruddiger..." Eugene whispered.

The raccoon was delighted. Ruddiger squeaks happily. The raccoon scurried to Varian and Eugene. Ruddiger hugs them.

Eugene shut his eyes.

Varian wrapped the raccoon in his arms.

After their long embrace, there was three knocks on the door.

Eugene, Varian and Ruddiger are perplexed at the front door.

There was a stern woman's voice from outside.

"Open the door, Fitzherbert!"

Eugene raised his eyebrow at it. "Cassandra?" He inquired.

Eugene put Varian and Ruddiger down on the bed. Eugene was irked. He marched to the front door. "You know, Cassandra...If you're coming here to insult me for the reason you lost your job as the royal guard..." Eugene added. He touched the doorknob. "I can tell you right now missy...It's not my fault..." Eugene bickered. He opened the door.

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