Chapter 1 - In the Dark Kingdom

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In the Dark Kingdom's throne room, Quirin went face-to-face with King Edmund.

Quirin confronts the king. He was furious. "Your majesty, you shouldn't have left Eugene in the orphanage years ago." Quirin said.

King Edmund was unforeseeable yet believing to be. "Quirin, I thought you and Hector are getting along about the missing princess's crown predicament." King Edmund said.

Quirin crisscrossed his arms. "You brought Hector to Old Corona to make a scene. I thought he was a threat. I have to tell Eugene take Varian away from a risk I faced with." Quirin said.

King Edmund was befuddled. "Speaking of Hector, what happened to him anyhow, Quirin?" King Edmund asked.

Quirin furrowed his eyebrows. "After I won the fight against Hector back in Old Corona, all he said to me was 'Rapunzel cannot be the princess without her crown. If Eugene haven't rescue her from the imprisonment, she will turn against her own kingdom'. And seeing Rapunzel obtained the Moonstone proves that she's gonna end Corona. Whoever rescued the princess of Corona, he or she did the right thing to return her to her actual home." He answered in his utterance.

King Edmund raised his eyebrow at him. "Did Hector really say that?" He wondered.

Quirin nodded his head in his reply. Then, he was not amused. "I know Hector is part of the Brotherhood. Your majesty, you should have brought Adira to Old Corona instead of him." Quirin stated.

King Edmund shrugged. "What's the problem with Hector?" King Edmund asked.

Quirin was not thrilled. "HE WRECKED MY PUMPKINS IN MY GARDEN!" He answered in exclamation.

King Edmund was glum. "Sorry to hear that..." he said.

Quirin was stern. "Your majesty, forget Hector." Quirin added. "It's Eugene and Varian I'm really worrying about." Quirin utters.

King Edmund was confused. "What about my son and your son?" He wonders.

Quirin perturbed. He was thru with the king's hysterics. "Ever since Eugene and Varian met one year ago, I can't allow you to split them up, your majesty." Quirin added, urging. He was melancholy. "Eugene kept Varian safe from harm's ways. And I counted on Eugene. If you do that, they'll be heartbroken." Quirin reasoned.

King Edmund blinked his eyes twice. He sighed. And then, King Edmund was sad. "I was predicting to see my son again with Princess Rapunzel. Anyhow, I saw my son again with your son. They are close like brothers." He added. "Was it really what Eugene and Varian called to themselves each other, Quirin? Brothers?" King Edmund wonders again.

Quirin nodded his head twice. "They are, your majesty." He replies.

King Edmund shrugs and smiled awkwardly. "Eugene isn't gonna believe me if I told you about my decision, Quirin." King Edmund said.


In the guest room, Quirin meets with Eugene and Varian.

Quirin tells Eugene about King Edmund and his concern.

Quirin was glad to tell Eugene the unanticipated good news.

Varian was bewildered.

So does Eugene. "The king told you WHAT?!" He exclaimed.

Quirin was glad yet mystified. "For what your father said was baffling to me too. Basically, the king wanted to start over with you. Your father wants a second chance to get to know you better." He utters.

Eugene was peeved. He raises his eyebrow at Quirin. "And it was after my dad told me and Varian about sending Hector to face-to-face with you. Back in Old Corona." Eugene reminisced.

Quirin perturbs. Then, he was solemn. "Your father understands now for what he did was wrong." Quirin stated.

Eugene was not convinced. "What has my dad say about bringing Rapunzel to the Moonstone?" He asked.

Quirin was annoyed. "Your father has no clue about the princess becoming the queen of Corona Ruins." He stated in his answer.

Varian sighs. He was gloomy. "Dad, Rapunzel's only putting Corona to stop with the black rocks. It's not the Kingdom of Corona Ruins just yet." Varian said.

Eugene was in pity. "It will be once Rapunzel reaches Corona soon." He believes.

Quirin was serious. "Eugene, give your father another chance. And forgive him because he loves you." Quirin urged.

Eugene was irritated. "Forgive my dad about what, Quirin? That he left me in the orphanage when I was a baby? That no one adopts me when I was a teen? Or that I lived my entire life as a thief? And just do as I please without a care in the world? Before I met Varian one year ago?" Eugene inquired too many questions.

Quirin was irked. "Your father has only done it because he had to guard the Moonstone." He said.

Eugene shrugged. "Why can't my dad get rid of it?" He wondered.

Quirin crisscrossed his arms. "Your father tried that once." He added, replying. Quirin was glum. "Your father lost his right arm after he failed to take it." He states.

Varian was bemused. "Now that Rapunzel has it." He added. "Was she seriously trying to collect the ancient scroll pieces? Just to vanquish Corona?" Varian wonders.

Quirin sighed. He was pitiful. "Rapunzel is. Adira told me that Rapunzel took the ancient scroll piece. After she got the Moonstone." Quirin replies.

Eugene was angry. "Rapunzel stole the ancient scroll piece from Adira?!" He asked in exclamation.

Quirin was knowledgeable yet concerned. "Rapunzel also told me she has the three pieces of the ancient scroll. Rapunzel needs one more." He answered.

Eugene blinked his eyes twice. He was bothered.

Varian pondered. He was quizzical. "So if Rapunzel was just missing one piece of the ancient scroll..." Varian added. He was confident. "Maybe she won't do anything if the ancient scroll wasn't complete, right?" Varian wondered.

Quirin nodded his head. He was contentious. "Yes, son." Quirin replied.

Eugene was still bothered. "The longer the princess would not found out of it, the sooner we get Rapunzel to stop for making a bigger mistake of her life." He uttered.

Varian was cheerful. "Dad, we got a way to reach Corona. Eugene and I could build the hot-air balloon." He said.

Quirin held his son's shoulders. He was worried. "Varian, I know you and Eugene wanted to help Rapunzel. I see that." Quirin added. Varian was sudden. Quirin was more worried. "We don't know what Rapunzel will do if she faced you two alone. Now's not the time." He said.

Varian was disappointed. "Yes, dad." He said.

Quirin left the guest room.

Eugene hugged Varian. Eugene was sympathetic. "Your dad was right, Varian. Now's not the time." Eugene said.

Varian hugs Eugene back. Varian was melancholy. He sighs. "We can't just sit around and do nothing, Eugene. Rapunzel was suffering. I wish I knew why." Varian said.

Eugene sighed. He looked up. Eugene efforts to reimagine the princess's sadness before leaving the Moonstone Chamber. "Me too, Varian. Me too." Eugene said.

Next part soon!

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