Chapter 7 - The Dragon

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It was nightfall.

In half a mile away from the Dark Kingdom, Eugene and Varian are near the dragon cave's entrance.

They looked at it bewilderingly.

Eugene took a deep breath. "How do we know if the dragon is home in that cave, Varian?" Eugene wonders in his whisper.

All of a sudden, they are alarmed. They are hearing the dragon's snore in its slumber.

Varian was anxious. "That's how, Eugene." Varian replies in his whisper back.

Eugene was peeved. "Okay, we're just gonna go in. And we're running away if it wakes up." He suggests quietly.

Varian encountered Eugene. Varian was irked. "We're not going to be some afraid-y cats over meeting the dragon, Eugene." Varian whispered.

Eugene encounters Varian back. Eugene has his eyes widened. "This is too risky." He added, whispering. "I am not waking the dragon up while it's napping, Varian." Eugene whispers.

Varian groans. He was a grump. "Not the whole crabby thing if you wake someone up from the nap again, Eugene." Varian whispered.

Eugene was agitated. "Varian, something tells me that we shouldn't do it." Eugene urged quietly.

Varian was irritated. "What about Rapunzel?" He inquired in his whisper.

Eugene rolls his eyes. "Again with Rapunzel, Varian." Eugene complaint in his whisper.

Varian raised his eyebrow. "Earlier, you can't stop thinking about her." He whispers.

Eugene shrugged. "It was a phase I'm having." He whispered.

Varian frowns. "So NOW you're making excuses for checking out on Rapunzel." He believes in his whisper.

Eugene was bothered. "I need a reason to figure why I feel so heartbreaking, Varian." Eugene stated in his whisper.

Varian extended his arms at Eugene. "YOU admitted that you've fallen in love with Rapunzel." Varian added, talking quietly. "AND NOW you want out of your infatuation with her?" He asked in his whisper again.

Eugene perturbed. "I was frightened." He added, whispering in his answer. "I can't just go to Corona and talk with Rapunzel. And I cannot promise that the princess of Corona will not harm us." Eugene mentioned in his whisper.

And immediately, there was the dragon's growl.

Varian and Eugene are astonished. They slowly rotated their heads over to the dragon cave's entrance. Varian and Eugene gasped. Their eyes are as small as coins.

It was a darker pink dragon with green eyes. The dragon was bigger than the Hector's rhino. It has a horn on its forehead. The wings are big like gargoyles. Their four feet are like the bear paws. The darker pink dragon was happy at the two boys.

Eugene was horrified yet perplexed. "Why is the dragon smiling at us?" He asked.

Varian was afraid. He raised his eyebrow at the dragon. "I...don't...know..." Varian answered.

Eugene hugged Varian.

Varian hugs Eugene back.

Eugene was solemn. "Aw, I knew this is a bad idea, brother." He uttered.

And then, another voice alerted Eugene and Varian.

"Don't move..."

They faced someone to their left. They are unanticipated.

It was Quirin. He was worried. "Just don't move..." Quirin assured.

Varian was baffled. He raises his eyebrow at his father. "Dad?" Varian inquired.

Eugene was mystified. "Wait, how do you know where we are?" He wondered.

Adira arrives from behind Quirin. She threw the torn-up brown satchel in the dragon cave hard. Adira grunted. She was bemused yet concerned.

The darker pink dragon detects the flying brown bag. It ran back in the cavern hastily.

Adira took a deep breath. "I was told by Sweet-critter...I have to informed the king about what occurred..." she replied.

Varian perturbed. He was surprised. "Ruddiger..." Varian said softly.

Eugene narrowed his eyes. He was annoyed. "And that's when you mentioned to Quirin where we're heading at." Eugene guessed.

Adira nodded her head. "Yes." She confirmed.

Quirin walks up to Eugene and Varian. He was compassionate. Quirin grasped Eugene's and Varian's shoulders. "I know you two wanted to return to Corona for Princess Rapunzel. I understand." Quirin added. "Look, I can't let both of you go face her alone. She hasn't got the last piece of the ancient scroll." He said.

Eugene was melancholy. "Quirin, if we stay, more criminals from Corona will be coming for it. We need to do something." Eugene urged.

Quirin sighs. "I know that." He added. Quirin was gloomy. "You and Varian need to stay inside the castle. I just cannot bear to lose both of you." He suggested.

Varian was glum. "Dad, without the dragon, we can't go back to Corona quicker. Rapunzel needs help." He mentions.

Quirin kisses Eugene's and Varian's heads. He can't take any more of their depressions. Quirin was solemn. "Eugene, Varian...We don't know if Princess Rapunzel was betraying her own kingdom...Or she was hurt because of being kept quarantined for too long..." Quirin added. He touched their faces. "Just wait a little longer...Just do not hurry over the princess just because she's either sad or confused or stressed...Be more careful about your choices...It wouldn't go right for the first time...Be strong...and be able to speak from your hearts...She won't listen for a moment...Maybe Rapunzel will see it thru your eyes..." Quirin reassured.

Eugene and Varian blinked their eyes once. They are pitiful.

Eugene holds Quirin's left arm. Varian held Quirin's right arm.

Eugene took a deep breath. "All right, Quirin..." Eugene said.

Varian was disappointed yet understanding. "Yes, dad..." he said.

Quirin, Eugene and Varian leaned their foreheads together. They are embracing.

Adira smiled. She was puzzled yet glad.

Lance dashes from the Dark Kingdom. He was terrified. "Guys! Guys! Guys!" Lance exclaimed.

Adira faces the scared thief mystifyingly.

Quirin, Eugene and Varian let go of each other. They are alarmed.

Eugene was knowledgeable. "Lance?" Eugene inquires.

Lance appeared on the grassy hill. He was catching his breath.

She was stern. "What's happening now, Earrings?" Adira asked.

Lance ultimately got his breathing with ease. He gestures them out. "The Coronan guardswoman is fighting the king!" Lance answered in exclamation.

She was baffling.

Quirin was stunned.

Varian was shocked. He raised his eyebrow. "Cassandra?" Varian wondered.

Eugene was astonishing. Then, he was resolute. Eugene was mad. "Cassandra..." he replied.

Eugene tightened his teeth.

Next part soon!

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