Kate's Mistakes

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Can you keep her quiet please, I can't hear Christian on the line. I guess you can hear that Mia is in labor, Kate has no medical training so the clock is ticking away. If you want to save her and her child you will do as I ask and now. I give him the time and place to meet me and while he is meeting me, Kate and Mia will be set free by Kate's latest fling. I knew she couldn't remain faithful to Elliott. Those two abortions were not his children.
I had Elliott come over and he is furious and not because of Nina having Kate, but she has Mia and Mia is in labor. He wants to know if Kate was involved in helping get Nina out of the hospital. He is not a happy person and he is not telling us what is going on.
I got several strange phone calls regarding Kate in the last year. I just thought it was a jealous person until recently when I started getting things at work showing her with other guys and it got me hiring a private investigator. Today the guy called me about what is happening now. I told him to keep an eye on the situation and follow them. He allowed my sister to get kidnapped and now she is in labor and Kate of all people is trying to deliver the baby in a moving car. The sad thing is, is she had two abortions and neither were my child. I had dad start divorce proceedings three days ago. She was going t be served tomorrow.
We can't give you over to her sir, we have a few other plans. He hands me his phone and talks to Elliott and Elliott finally tells him he has a private investigator following Kate and he has their car in his sites. It is the coverts vehicle so the tracker can be located as well. Charlie Lyon is the PI that has been following Kate. He is trying not to make himself known. So he has called in a few of his associates in and they have given the cops the locations they have been to.
Policeman Randall
I can't believe we have a mental patient loose and has kidnapped two more of the Grey family one is in labor right now. Christian Grey is being told if he comes to meet her she will turn his sister and sister in law loose. The unmarked cars are headed in their direction. What kills me is they are all the same make and model and year. So we do a few additions to the cars. Like emblems and other things to make them appear different. We finally catch up to the fruitcake. She has drive down an isolated road and we can't follow without making our presence known.
I think there is a cabin there that belongs to Kate's aunt and uncle. Christian is getting ready to head to the location to meet Nina at.
I tell Kate to get Mia inside the cabin now. But it is too late the baby is nearly born. I should have just grabbed Anastasia at the hospital. No I chose Mia and Kate just happens to be there when I do grab her. Then Bobby calls 911 on me, so I have to handle these two on my own. But I have the gun. Suddenly a cry is heard and I make Kate get them into the cabin now. We end up having to carry Mia inside, it is a good thing she is small.
I am so weak and my baby is alive and crying, but he needs to be seen by a doctor. Suddenly lights and sirens are all over the place. I and put back in the car and held by gun point. Nina has me and my baby protecting her from the cops. Kate is being told to drive away.
I can't figure out how to get out of here and I had no idea whose place this is. But I am surrounded by cars and can't get away from them. I raise my hands and Nina realizes we can't leave, but she still wants to see Christian and holds Mia and the baby hostage until she sees him.
We arrive at a cabin and Kate is holding her hands up and Nina has Mia and her baby behind Kate using them as a shield. She wants to talk to me and she will release Mia and the baby. Taylor and the cops give me a megaphone and I ask Nina what she wants and we all knows she won't be getting it.
I want you to marry me, like you should have to begin with. I want you divorce Anastasia and get rid of those brats of hers. Do as I ask and you can have your family back.
Policeman Thomas
We have a sniper posed to take the crazy person out if we need to. We are slowly moving forward and she is keeping her hand on the gun that is pointed at what appears to be an unconscious young woman. The baby is crying but it is a weak cry. We have no choice but to lure her out. She grabs the driver by the hair and tells her to get out and heads towards mr Grey. Just as she gets close the woman punches her in the face but she wasn't fast enough and our sniper shoots the kidnapper a moment too late to save the driver from being shot between the eyes.
I follow mr Grey to get Mia and her baby to the hospital. They have two bodies, there is no way either of these women will survive these bullet wounds. Mr Grey looks at Kate and I tell him that there is no way she is still alive the bullet blew her brains out the back of her skull.

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