Paul Ascher

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Paul Ascher
I can't believe my luck is this bad. I finally get a decent job and get shot by a crazy person on my first day. I met Holly when I went to interview a month before and she seemed normal. I had to have surgery that I can't afford and I haven't even worked a full shift. I was making great tips as I was told I would. I don't know where my things are at this point. My mom and dad still haven't visited yet. But I doubt they have been allow3d to visit yet, the police have came by and I was too medicated to answer questions. I know that if it hadn't been for the young woman shooting Holly just at the right moment the bullet would have killed me.
The police were questioning me and they have my gun and they copied my carry conceal license. I explain that this young lady was fired because her behavior on one of our visits to the restaurant. We had no idea she was a threat, tonight I felt the need to bring my gun for some reason so I did. Being with a billionaire that looks like Christian can bring out the crazy people and I had a bad feeling so I brought my weapon fully loaded and showed them my bulletproof vest. I didn't think telling them I saw visions would make the situation any better so I decided not talk about it. I finally get something to eat and then see the blood where I shot Holly Lightly. The press found about the shooting. Kate and Elliott came to sit with us. Paul Asher our server was taken to surgery the second he arrived at the hospital mr Taylor told Christian. The video footage shows if I hadn't shot her when and where I did Paul Ascher would have had been shot in the head and not his arm. She was going for Christian.
I made sure we got everything taken care of before we left and told my manager to comp all the guests who were here at the time of the shooting. The cops blocked off the elevators at the garage and entering the restaurant. I made sure we are billed for the surgery for mr Ascher. Anastasia is shaking, Taylor told me that everything went so fast that there was nay we could have done anything better. He and his teams assured my safety but saw Anastasia move in position with her gun and allowed her to handle it. None of my security carry guns. Now I am rethinking this after tonight. Jason told me that Robert told him if it came down to it to trust Anastasia to come prepared, he thought it was an odd comment at the time but he promised him he would. He must have known is all I can say. They keep their visions private unless they need you to know certain things.
Bonnie Asher
I look at my son laying in that hospital bed and it breaks my heart. He was trying to rebuild his life after being held hostage by mrs Lincoln. His father and I watched as he was treated for all kinds of trauma. He finally signed up for college and got his GED. Gordon was so happy that Paul got into college and started working at a nice restaurant to help pay the fees for his college.
Gordon Ascher
After hearing Paul answering questions regarding how everything went down at his job, they said they might need to talk to him further. I keep hearing the name Lambert and it reminded me of some folks that fell off the face of the earth. I ask if he can do his studies here until he is discharged. There are two security assuring his safety. He was the server for the owners table and the shooter wanted to kill the owner. But his date shot her just as she shot her gun and caused the bullet to changed from hitting his head to hitting his arm. I asked why she had a gun with her to begin with?
Dad I have no clue why she had a gun, but apparently it was a good thing she did, because she was the only one armed besides Holly. She was the owners date, it was like she knew beforehand something like this would happen. She was ready for it. The owners bodyguards got him safely out of range of the person. Had I not been concentrating on my job so intently I would have been hiding as well. I can't believe the courage it took for the owners date to meet Holly head to head, apparently she is a perfect shot. But because of the speed she had to operate at, she had choice but to shoot Holly where it could stop her and cause her to lose her aim. But the time I heard the shot and saw the guns the bullet hit my arm.
Christian Grey
I introduce myself to Paul and his parents along with Anastasia. She wanted to be sure he was okay after everything he went through and I am here to assure everything is going okay and make sure you get the best care. You might have noticed the security around your room, it's to keep out the reporters. They would love to get a story from you. They love anything they can get, but they don't need to bother you while you are just out of surgery. My security might call ask you if you need anything at all they will assure you get it.
I am glad you are okay, I guess I should have shot her gun from her hand before she got a shot off, I am so sorry I didn't. I hope you feel better soon, I know the healing will take a while and physical therapy is going to hurt but things will start looking up for you. After everything you and your parents have gone through. Christian looks at me and then just let's it go.

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