Part 28: Ally forces.

Start from the beginning

Orange: Okay then!

Blue: *Slices a dummy* *Makes his bow* Dragon! *Fires a thunder dragon*

Yellow: Yoru! *Cuts multiple dummies at once* This thing is OP! 

Katsuragi: Man, if we got cool weapons like that!

Ikaruga: No need to be jealous it was a divine gift anyway. We can't be picky. 

Yagyū: Still, it's not really fair. Divine weapons are much stronger than original ones. 

Hibari: I don't mind! 

Katsuragi: That's because you don't have a weapon! 

Hibari: EEK!

E: *Teleports in* You should have just asked! *Snaps his fingers* I've enhanced your weapons to be on par with the ones that the stickmen possess. As for Hibari, she instead got a strength boost. A small but noticeable one. Ciao then *Teleports in*

Katsuragi: Whoa! This is sweet!! I wanna try it out now! *Kicks a dummy* 

*A crack appears on the dummy*

Katsuragi: It cracked? But why is the crack blue-

*The dummy then is sent flying* 

Everyone: :0 No way.

Katsuragi: I can make super shockwaves! 

Asuka: Awesome! What does mine do!? *Slices a dummy* Huh? Why doesn't it do anything?

Katsuragi: Maybe it works like Yellow's? *Kicks Asuka*

Asuka: Hey! *Counters* 

Katsuragi: AAAHHH! *Sent flying* 

Asuka: So it seems counters are my special move. All counters I do-

E: Double in strength than the blow dealt to you. Also, if you store all the damage into the blade you can release it into a super counter if you want. *Teleports away*

Katsuragi: Well that just happened.

Yagyū: Wonder what does my weapon do now. The tip looks different.  

Katsuragi: A button! Lemme touch it! 

Yagyū: Who knows what could this do? Let me do it. *Holds down the button*

*The umbrella begins to shape into a... LASER GATLING GUN!?!* 

Yagyū: WHOA! 

*The Gatling gun fires at blinding speeds*

Yagyū: There's another button though! *Presses the 2nd button*

*The Gatling gun morphs into a laser cannon*

Yagyū: I probably shouldn't fire this huh? 

Everyone: *Nods*

*The laser suddenly fires*

Yagyū: *Knocked back* I almost hit the wall.

E: *Teleports inside* Oof. *Snaps his fingers* Made the recoil to large. That should do it. *Teleports away*

Hibari: I didn't get a weapon but I got this bracelet. It says... 10X? There is a button that says 50X, 100X, 200X and 500X.

E: *Teleports in* I think I should stay here for now. that is how much stronger you wanna be. right now your multi is 10X if you are strong enough you can go too 500X. But lemme remind you the multi also multiplies. You're body is strong enough for 10X so it's the default.

Ikaruga: Now, I should be able to find out what my blade does by now. 

Asuka: The hilt looks different now.

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