Sans X Reader (Part 3) Also also old

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Old and shitty.

why, why do you do this to me.

Last time: Sans and Papyrus were arguing and once they were finished you couldn't hold your laughter back since Sans kept making punny jokes, sans saw and gave a small chuckle, you could swear sans was blushing but he probably wasn't.

"Heh, either you like my jokes or you thought of something funny. Personally I like the first option better."

"Oh sorry, I love bad jokes!"

•Sans's smile seemed to widen a bit when you said that

"Hey can you do me a favor?"

•Before you could even react and respond he interrupted you

"Thanks so, my bro has been under the weather recently, and he REALLLY wants to capture a human so y'know what to do right? Great, goodbye now!"

•Again, you couldn't respond before he just walked away, you were kinda mad he didn't let you respond but oh well what could you do.

•You started to explore around until you were met with the first puzzle which you successfully made it pass easily

•And that kept repeating until there were no more puzzles left to do

•After that, you decided to explore the town you found that it's actually quite nice!

•While exploring, you managed to find papyrus and he challenged you to a fight, you kept sparing him and using the -ACT- button

•After some time, you and papyrus managed to become friends which made the both of you happy, papyrus was more happier than you were though.

•You went in a place that was called "Waterfall" to find Sans and he asked if you wanted to go with him to a place that you saw earlier called, "Grillby's."

•You agreed, obviously and you both talked for a bit, you ordered a hamburger with fries and when you got the ketchup to put it on, the lid came off AS SOON as you poured the ketchup

•So now there was a whole blob of ketchup on the plate and you got some ketchup on your clothes and the side of your cheek.

"Oh erm, need a napkin?"

Sans offered you a napkin but when he saw you were just in utter shock he used the napkin to help get the ketchup off your cheek for you

•As soon as he did that you snapped back in reality to look at him

•You both sat there for a bit staring at the others eyes, and you both started to eventually blush, and you could feel your face extremely heated.

•You gave a slight awkward yet warming smile while still blushing to try to snap sans back in reality since he's just been staring at you for a little too long

•It worked because when sans woke up he looked extremely embarrassed and blushed even harder


"I-It's o-okay!!"

•You quickly reassured him that he was fine but he seemed to think about something

•After awhile of you just trying to clean the ketchup stain on your shirt with the napkin, sans noticed that the stain wasn't coming off so he asked if you needed some spare clothes

•You told him that you were okay and that you could last through them but he insisted, and wouldn't stop. So you had to agree his offer and he seemed happy

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