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His eyes were filled with determination. He leaned forward on the desk and damn!

I wish he didn't.

His knuckles brushed ever so softly against my fingers before I immediately retreated them back feeling an insanely dangerous volts of current running through my nerve endings. That feeling, that touch was supposed to last for a millisecond but no. I felt the burning on my finger even after losing the touch. It was such a soft touch that it made me want to have more. 

I shook my head slapping myself internally. This isn't what I am supposed to feel or think.

Not at least for my Therapist.

"Okay, but for that promise me, you'll do everything that I tell you to. Everything." I didn't even hesitate before nodding my head. I gave him a thumbs up but in reality I wasn't planning to do that. He wouldn't even know what I was doing the rest of the time when I wasn't with him.
I glanced at my watch briefly. Soon it was going to be the time for—

My phone vibrated against my jeans. I pulled it out just enough for me to see and my face lit up for a millisecond seeing the text. I kept my expressions minimum but before I could reply or even read the full sentence, my phone was snatched away from me.

"Hey! No—" I shouted getting up from my chair to rush towards him. I wrapped my fingers around the screen of my phone that was now in his hands, stopping him from reading the text. "That's my phone, give it back." I stated sternly resting my one hand on the arm rest of the chair. I was literally on top of him. So close from falling.

"Nope. You ain't getting this back." With one swift movement he pulled his hand back making my body jerk forward. He held my waist stopping me from crashing on his chest. "My phone has nothing to do with you." He raised a brow smirking at me. He turned his head reading the message. I shut my eyes cursing under my breathe. I felt his eyes shifting back to me.

"Still up for party tonight? New sample item. Only for you." His tone was bone chilling. The glare he threw my way was dangerous. Like he was threatening me every second.
But that grin wouldn't wipe off his face.

He read the exact words of the text. I rolled my eyes glaring back at him. He turned his face completely towards me and none of us seem to be bothered by the close proximity. Maybe none of us noticed it yet.

"You ain't getting this back." His expressions turned to a more serious one as he slid my phone in one of the drawers of his desk. I let out a gasp. "Excuse me? That's my phone. You can't just take it." He shrugged his shoulders. 

His hand still around my waist and my hand was still resting on his chest. This position wasn't one of the best ones to carry out a casual conversation as this. He stared into my eyes. The corner of his lips lifting up forming a mischievous smirk on the insanely nerdy handsome face.

I knew exactly for what the smirk was. He finally noticed our position. This shouldn't make me feel hot and bothered but it did. The way his eyes travelled all over my face and then to my hand on his chest.
It was a burning gaze.

I have never... I repeat, I have never ever been so close to a guy. I keep my distance always because I never met guys whom I could actually trust but this man seemed to have something different. My hands couldn't lift to push him away or straighten my back to make some distance and just few minutes ago I was feeling the urge to stay away from him.

How did things suddenly change?

He sucked in a sharp breathe letting out a melodious hum in his deep voice. I felt his breathe right on my lips.

And then my entire body jolted feeling his thumb circling the fabric over my waist. It was such a gentle movement that for the first few seconds I wasn't even aware it was happening.

"Y/n, are you enjoying this?" His voice lowered dangerously. I wasn't even in the senses to make out his words. For a moment I felt like I was in another world and couldn't understand what was happening. "Huh?" My lips parted and closed instantly making me look like no more than a fish. I took notice of my slightly trembling fingers and it didn't make any sense. What was happening with me?

Damn! He's so intoxicant.

With the hard hit of realization I pulled my body away from him hastily turning around to calm my nerves down. I felt so hot as if someone was setting me on fire. The blood rush into my veins was on an electric speed. I cleared my throat still not turning around. He'd see my hot red cheeks and that would add to my embarrassment.

I sat on the chair behind the desk not making any eye contacts just yet. Picking up the glass of water I gulped all the liquid down my throat.

"Um... My-My phone." I stuttered glancing at him but ending up looking away quickly since he was staring at me with a wide grin on his face.

He let out a breathy chuckle and it only reminded me how his breathe fanned my lips just a few seconds ago. I shook my head lightly trying to shake my thoughts off but it wasn't helpful at all.

He slid the phone to my side. I picked it up realizing it wasn't my phone. I frowned looking up at him. "This is not mine." He leaned back on the chair keeping his right leg over his left one. "From today it's yours. This has all the contacts you'll really need and I'll have track of your activity." I scoffed tossing the phone back on the desk. This was unbelievable. He was being way too bossy. Aren't therapists supposed to be insanely sweet and manipulative? He was so different. I even doubt he's a therapist.

"You're being nosy." His hands made their way to the paper weight again. He twirled the the colorful ball between his fingers. God, he's obsessed with that. I shifted my eyes from his hands to his face. His fingers were long and slender. I licked my lips looking away.

Okay, long beautiful fingers. That has nothing to do with me.

"That was solely your brother's idea and I agree, it's quite good."

That Fucking betrayer. I rolled my eyes heaving out a sigh. "You can't deny me, you just promised that you'd do everything I tell you to." I scoffed clicking my tongue.

"So this is how you're going to use it? Against me?" He shrugged his shoulders bouncing the paper weight on his table. I took the phone sliding it inside the pocket of my jeans.

"What about our sessions? Once or twice a week?" The little curve of his lips didn't go unnoticed by me and it only rose suspicion. Why was he looking at me like that?

"Seven days a week."

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