"It's ok, I can help you"

Start from the beginning

Ranboo held his arm the whole time, the burning feeling wasn't going away, making him unable to stop crying. He soon walked back into the mansion, "T-Tubbo" he called out with another sniffle of pain. He felt like screaming, screaming seemed to help. "Tubbo" he called out again, no reply. *Please don't say he has done something stupid* he thought, slowly walking towards the kitchen. "Tubbo?" He said again. *Where has he gone? Is he hurt? Is he mad?* Ranboo started to overthink as he zoned out. "Ranboo?!" He suddenly heard behind him, spooking him a bit as he quickly turned around and saw Tubbo at the top of the stairs. "Are you ok? What happened?" Tubbo said confusedly as he ran down the stairs to Ranboo, soon standing in front of him and scanning him, he quickly noticed he was crying, then panicking.

"N-nothing happened I-I'm fine" Ranboo lied, trying to hide it all but his voice cracked, instantly giving everything away. "Something happened and you don't seem fine, you were upset last night and now you seem worse, whats wrong?" Tubbo said as he led Ranboo over to the table and pulled 2 chairs out to face each other. They both sat down, Ranboo being more slow and cautious. "Nothing-nothings wrong" Ranboo smiled a pained smile. "Last night you were crying, now you're crying again, where did you go?" Tubbo asked. "B-back to my old house" Ranboo answered, not really lying. "Why?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo couldn't think, his head was filled with thoughts and worries and he wasn't calming down at all.

"Boo it's ok" Tubbo said calmly as he held his hands out. Ranboo looked at Tubbo, then his hands before he grabbed and held them tightly. "S-sorry" he stuttered before looking down and tightly closing his eyes, letting his hair cover his face. "It's alright I promise, look at me" Tubbo said in a calm tone. Ranboo slowly looked at him. "This isn't the first time this has happened, you have disappeared and come back like this before, I just don't know what's happening because every time you do, you come back trying to hide all of this and it's not good for you at all" Tubbo explained slowly so Ranboo got it all. "I-I know I'm really sorry" Ranboo quickly said, still very much panicking. "You don't need to be sorry it's ok, I just wanna make sure you're ok y'know? I'm not mad at all don't worry" Tubbo smiled reassuringly.

Ranboo nodded but his thoughts kept telling him otherwise. Tubbo looked down at Ranboos arm, noticing the bandage sticking out slightly. "What happened to your arm?" He asked. Ranboo very quickly perked up in fright and worry, "w-what do you mean?". "You've got a bandage on?" Tubbo said confusedly. "Y-yeah erm" Ranboo said nervously, he still couldn't think straight. "S-sorry I can't think at all, m-my head is getting very loud a-and I can't focus" he explained as he shut his eyes tightly again. "That's ok, Ranboo look at me" Tubbo said with a small smile. Ranboo slowly looked at him once again. "It's all going to be ok, I'm right here for you you know that right?" Tubbo smiled.

Ranboo nodded but he didn't want to tell Tubbo anything, he knew Tubbo had trouble with his own thoughts so he would just be making everything worse. "Talk to me Ranboo, what's going on?" Tubbo said calmly as he slowly stroked the back of Ranboos hands with his thumbs. "N-nothings going on I'm fine!" Ranboo quickly said with a panicked laugh at the end. "You're not fine, if you were fine you wouldn't be crying and panicking" Tubbo said. Ranboos eyes widened slightly, he didn't know what to do, he was supposed to be the one helping Tubbo not Tubbo helping him. "Ranboo breathe with me" Tubbo said patiently. Ranboo nodded, turning the little bit of focus he had left to Tubbo as they started breathing together until he was somewhat calm.

"There, are you ok now?" Tubbo asked once Ranboo was calm. Ranboo nodded but he was still shaking and Tubbo could feel that, he knew something was bothering Ranboo but if he wasn't going to tell him then there was barely anything he could do to help. "Let's eat then we can do something together, yeah?" He smiled. "O-ok" Ranboo stuttered with a small smile. Tubbo stood up to make food as Ranboo instantly zoned out. He didn't want Tubbo to leave his side, he felt incredibly scared and he was still shaking quite badly. "Here" Tubbo said, placing a plate down in front of Ranboo before sitting across from him. "T-thanks" Ranboo stuttered once again. "You don't usually stutter this much" Tubbo pointed out. "Y-yeah, sorry" Ranboo said quietly as he picked up his fork, he really didn't want to eat, he felt more sick than anything. "You have nothing to apologise for it's completely fine" Tubbo smiled, noticing how uncomfortable Ranboo looked as he stared at the food. "Not hungry?" He asked, snapping Ranboo out of it.

"Hm? Oh erm, n-not really" Ranboo laughed nervously. "Are you ok?" Tubbo asked once again. "Y-yeah I'm fine" Ranboo smiled a pained smile. "Hey" he suddenly heard before looking up at Tubbo. "D-did you say something?" He asked confusedly. "No, why?" Tubbo said confusedly. "N-nothing, never mind" Ranboo said worriedly. "I'm back, and you know what that means!" Dream laughed in his head. "Please just leave me alone" Ranboo whispered to himself in fear. "I mean I could but I'm bored" Dream said before getting an idea, "oh actually! Ready for something exciting?!" He yelled as Ranboo suddenly started to feel faint, he knew this feeling, it wasn't good.

"T-Tubbo I need to go right now" Ranboo said as he quickly stood up, instantly feeling dizzy as he leaned on the table. "Wow hey it's ok" Tubbo said, quickly running 'round to Ranboo and holding him up. "Why what's wrong?" He said confusedly. "P-please, run" Ranboo said as he lost sight of everything, he was no longer in control.

Once he opened his eyes, he was back in the black abyss. "Please Dream please DON'T HURT TUBBO" Ranboo yelled. "I'm not doing anything to Tubbo, you're the one that's hurting him" Dream laughed. "N-no" Ranboo whispered. "Yes, you may have lost control yet again but this is still all your fault" Dream hissed, "I'll bring you back in about 5 minutes" he said. "Dream p-please" Ranboo begged, waiting nervously for the 5 minutes to be up. After about 2 minutes, Dream spoke, "Ok I'm bored again, you can go back now". Ranboo felt dizzy again as he closed his eyes.

He suddenly awoke in a panic, grabbing at his head as he stumbled backwards before falling to the ground, his head was pounding with pain and he could barely see. He couldn't take it anymore as he screamed loudly into the ground before he felt someone hold him. He screamed into the persons shoulder, keeping his eyes closed tightly as he begged for the pain to stop. He felt the person hold him tightly as they slowly massaged the back of his head. "Shhh shh sh it's ok Ranboo it's ok, Tubbo's right here, I'm right here it's ok" Ranboo heard Tubbo say calmly as he felt the pain start to die down. "It's all alright now I've got you" Tubbo said reassuringly as he slowly rocked him. Ranboo's scream slowly died down until it turned into hard crying.

"It's all ok now I promise, you're ok Ranboo you're alright" Tubbo said, loud enough for Ranboo to hear. Ranboo held his head tightly as the pain very slowly stopped, the massaging was helping but only slightly. "I've got you don't worry, it's all ok" Tubbo reassured him. "I-it hurts!" Ranboo cried into his shoulder. "I know it's ok, remember this isn't the first time this has happened, it's ok I know" Tubbo said calmly. Ranboo slowly stopped crying as the pain finally calmed down. "There we go, it's ok, calm" Tubbo sighed, hiding his worry. "Breathe" he said, slowly rubbing Ranboo's back with stroking the back of his head. Ranboo slowly relaxed his body, finding it helped him to calm down. "It's ok, I've got you" Tubbo reassured him. "Are-are you ok? D-did I hurt you?" Ranboo suddenly asked as he sat up. "No I promise, it's ok, I'm completely fine don't worry about me" Tubbo smiled at him. Ranboo nodded with a sigh of relief, "good".

"Are you ok now? Does anything hurt?" Tubbo asked, scanning Ranboo for signs of him in pain. "N-no I'm fine" Ranboo laughed nervously. "You sure?" Tubbo said worriedly as Ranboo nodded. "W-what happened?" He asked. "Well I don't know if you remember or not but we were at the table, I was holding you up until suddenly you looked me dead in the eyes before looking away, your eyes were fully purple. I stepped back as you stood up straight, you started walking towards me so I kinda started running upstairs to our bedroom, you followed and cornered me until suddenly you stopped and started stumbling backwards whilst screaming" Tubbo explained. "Are you sure I d-didn't hurt you?" Ranboo asked worriedly. "I'm very sure, I was more worried about you than me" Tubbo laughed.

"W-what if I did end up hurting you, or-or something worse" Ranboo thought out loud as he let his worries take control of his emotions. "But you didn't hurt me and you never have so I doubt it'll ever happen, it's ok I promise, I'm just glad you're ok" Tubbo said. "I-I'm glad you're ok" Ranboo said back. Their eyes locked, Tubbo saw fear in Ranboos eyes but Ranboo wouldn't tell him anything. "You're scared" he said. "I-I'm fine" Ranboo kept saying, trying to convince not only Tubbo but himself. "You're not fine Ranboo, you've got fear in your eyes" Tubbo pointed out, looking worried. "How c-can you even see fear?" Ranboo questioned. "I don't know, I can just tell you're scared of something, what's up?" Tubbo said. "N-nothings up, let's go do something before the sun goes down" Ranboo said, quickly getting up before feeling dizzy as he lost his sight for a few seconds.

"You ok?" He heard Tubbo asked as he felt him hold his hand tightly. "Y-yeah, sorry" Ranboo apologised. "It's completely fine don't worry, come on, let's go see Michael" Tubbo smiled before leading them both to Michael's little house next to the mansion.

The description never lied about this book being all about angst and fluff just sayin'.

2672 words

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