Untitled Part 18

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I got up and went down stairs because I was really hungry

great they are still here

nash;hey sis you wanna come to pick hayes and ky up with us?

me;no.... im kinda busy and I gotta get packed im going to leave this week not next

nash;but you just got here!!!!!!

me;i have meetings and m best friends wedding to go to

nash;wow!but you best friends are here I your home town

me;nash that's enough!!!you now I have no friend here!!!only billies!!!!

nash; I thought I was your best friend!! I knw you were until you left me here!!! you know how much cried!! I coudnt eat slep ir talk to the guys for months..

me;you knw what ill just leave now so you don't have to go that no more.. now you know how I felt!! why cant you be happy for me!!

nash; why? why what huh? why cant be happy for you? maybe its cuz you left me..you left the same day I was gonna say sory you lef and maid me feel like it was my fault..

me;it was!!! if you never meet them them they wouldn't of bullied me

nash;they were your friends too!!! until you turn into a slut!!

I slapt him and ran up stairs too get my stuff packed... until my mom came in..

mom;honey can we talk

me;why so you can call me name too

mom;hey!enough! Im your mother!!respect me!!

me;sorry mom Im just mad

mom;ok your turning 18 in the summer and next year is your last year why don't you come live with us?

me;i don't want to stay here and deal with nash

mom;just one year please...


mom;good and im taking care of all your money and stuff.. plus no running away...

me;sso basically im just ike two years ago?

mom; yep!so go tell everyone your staying

Being a grier sibling(the hardest this)Where stories live. Discover now