Chpt.2 3 2 1. Lift off

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After school I felt really bad so I was gonna go talk to cameron.. When I got to his house he open up the door and was shocked what I was her... He soon invited me in..

(Cameron's P.O.V)

I was just on my phone searching up ways to ask a girl out and then the door bell rang..
I opened it and it was Joe.. I invited her in and she was saying sorry for turning her down etc.. I got lost in to. Her eyes and I kissed her out of no where she was shocked but she blushed.

(Joes P.O.V)

I got in Cameron's house and told him sorry about everything it's just Nash is over protected.. He kept looking at me and I called out is name and then he KISSED me?!?!?! I was shocked! I didn't know that was gonna happen.. I was happy Thoe.. After that he asked me out and I said yes.. He then grabs me by my waist and pulls me in for a kiss then whispers "I've been waiting so long for this...
We then went to my house sceard out of our minds hoping Nash would understand.. But I don't think he will take it good

Mjg:me.  C:cam.  N:Nash

Mjg: hey Nash we have to tell you something
N: yea what
C:we are dating
N: wtf! Bro that my little sister!!

Nash then grabbed cameron and stated to punch him cameron didn't hit him back because he knew that he would brake there friend ship... I then yelled STOP!!   Nash then took me into the other room and said we had to talk
N: wtf! Don't you know he's a player!?!?!
Mjg: what do you mean?! Are u just mad cuz we are dating!
N:No!! I'm mad because uses girls then throws them away fast and it my sister! He should know better!!
Mjg:oh..😔 well I guess I'll tell him were over
(Nash is my big bro he never lies to me about something like this, I would get if he lied about taking a pencil but not this)
I raced down stairs holding in my tears telling cameron we can't date.. I ran to my room and cryed.. I soon Fell asleep..when I woke up it wa the next day I soon got ready like any other day but instead I got a black tank top and sweat pants... I could hear the magcon boys down stairs.. I really didn't care much about them.. But I had to be nice... I stayed in my room until Nash called me out there... He introduced me to all the boys which were  shawn Taylor Matthew Arron cater and biths jacks.. I said hi and left in my penny board.. I had a big crush on most in them even tho I didn't cares about what they was weird walking past them because they kept looking.. I soon went to the park just to chill and I see cameron making out with another girl.. Man! I'm so glad I listen to Nash... I got on my penny board and cameron seen me.. He had a guilty look even though we weren't together... I soon get to the house and pull Nash a side and tell him what I saw.. I only cry around hayes this is the first time I opened up to Nash.. He hugged me and said it was ok... We then went back to the living room where the boys were.. I seen Matthew Taylor carter and shaw. Looking at me.. The jacks were taking to me making me laugh. Jack G is so cute.. He has this flirty type and jack j is so funny like he so sweet and I feel like I could tell him anything..
And hour later cameron. Comes in and everyone says hi.. I then walk into my room but Matthew follows and cameron seen .. I started crying out if no where in my room and Matthew came out of no where asking me what was wrong.. I quickly whiped my eyes and said nothing... He comes to me and says "it ok to cry because that show me u are beautiful inside" he then hold me closer to him and kissed my forehead.. I'm gonna admit it I didn't even know him and he's already amazing.. Soon after he kissed my forehead cam comes in yelling saying don't kiss my girlfriend"
Matthew: bro she mine not yours"
.. He soon punches matt and they both start fight.. I yelled for them to stop but they didn't.. Nash soon came in and yelled and broke them a part.. Cam said if u touch my girl again I will kill you... I yelled and said I'm not yours and never will be so get away from me!! Leave me along I hate you I never want to talk to you again.. He soon looks at me and brakes down in tears well Nash is holding him so he won't hit Matt.. I the. Kissed Matt in the mouth so cam could leave me alone and then cam starts crying even more.. Matt was blushing and I was to but I didn't know what to do right after that...

(Matthews P.O.V)
Me and Cameron get into a fight because I hugged Joe and right after that she yells at him then kisses me.. I was kinda blushing but I didn't want her to know..

(Joes P.O.V)

After that it was time to go to bed most of the boys slept in Nash's room and hayes room.. Well I was sleeping Matt came into my room and held me close to him... He didn't know I was awake.. He kept staring at me I could fell him brushing my hair with his hand.. Soon after that he said "I know your and sleep and I know we just met but I already know that I love you"... As soon as I heard that I was happy and then I slowly fell asleep..

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