Chapter 11: Untold

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"Her time is almost over." Whose time is almost over? I looked up to the cloud and it covered the sun, the wind still blew and the ground still shock.

"It's funny how we could understand the ancient language." Sean said walking up to me with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes remember what happen between him and Kita.
"I'm in the mood for your bullshit, Sean."
"Oh, baby brother, I understand the struggles of being a king and a leader."
"You don't know shit!"

My wolf was getting pissed fast and my wolf was warning me about something with him. I mean, I could feel his heart beating really fast, as if he was keeping something.

"What you got rolled up your sleeves?" He didn't say anything. I turned to him and the wind was blowing more wild as if a tornato was coming. The leaves were coming off the ground, the trees swaying hard as if they were about to fall, and the sky was becoming dark as if no sun.

I turned to him and he was still smirking. His eyes were blood red brown and he didn't look like himself. He was very skinny, bruised body, and he was....not my brother.

Before I could move, I felt a thud on my back and my sight went dark.

End of flashback

"How is she? Kita?"
"I don't know. We had a fight and we haven't talk for days. I'm worried about her. I have a feeling she left me for that William guy."
"William? William Turner." I looked up at him and her face was shown in like a happiness.

"How do you know him?"
"You don't know? He was her first mate and still is. She is still bonded."
"You mean...?"
"She is his true mate."

Animal TorturedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz