"It's good enough." Unfortunately that was not what I wanted to hear and started to analyze myself in the mirror again. "Sis, I am meeting the Lady mayor of Mercury for the first time. He inherited her company. The company that works to make our jewelry. It's like a worker dating the boss." Natalia grimaced. "Don't you even bring up that concept. It reminds me of Amber and the man whose name we do not speak."

I sighed as I stared into the mirror. "I feel like we all turned into Amber. You're intimidating and bossy when you're on the throne. Reilly's a ball of nerves and I'm dating someone who works for us. Come to think of it, we all did. Allie was a peasant, Charles was Reilly's bodyguard and Nathaniel is the royal jeweler."

Natalia looked at me and took my hand. "We may have turned into Amber, but we will never end up like Amber. But back to the point. Nathaniel loves you and that's enough."

"Yeah, you're right." After that small pep talk from my big sister, I was good to go. I walked out of the palace and got into the carriage that took me away to one of the fanciest restaurants on the planet. Nathaniel was already there, standing next to him was his mother and did she look intimidating. But when I approached her, she smiled widely and even embraced me. So far the night was going good

An hour in and we were already on our second champagne bottle. Nathaniel's mother who introduced herself as Victoria looked at her son. "This is honestly a dream for me. My son has fallen in love with the Crown Princess. Nathaniel even told me how you met and I couldn't have been prouder of him." She then stared at me with intensity. Victoria reached her hand and placed it on my necklace.

"Those pearls. When did you get them?" She asked. "Last year actually." Victoria then smiled again ecstatically. "I knew it. Since Nathaniel is so humble, I don't think you told you that he got bored of being in the spotlight as the head of the company and decided to roll up his sleeves and become a jeweler. The first thing he made was a pearl necklace. Gabriel would have been so proud of him. He passed away when Nathaniel was only ten."

"How did you meet your husband?" I asked.

"Well back in the day, I used to go to an all-girls school and when I was your age, I had gotten a little rebellious and decided to skip school and go out on the town with my girlfriends. There I met my Gabriel. It was an instant connection. After one year of romance, we decided to get married but we waited on having children because I was appointed as the Lady Mayor at that time. My family did not agree with that but I didn't care much about the opinions they had. Do you want kids Lynn?"

Damn right out of the gate with the serious questions I guess. "There was actually a time I told Natalia that I wanted eight kids but now I'm starting to realize that there would be too many screaming babies in the castle." Victoria chuckled at that and I joined in.

Victoria then placed her hand on mine. "Eight is a pretty big number to start, but it's good to be ambitious about being a mother. I know I was." Nathaniel gave her an annoyed look. "Mother, you're nosy."

Victoria smirked. "And proud. I think it's a fair question Nathaniel. I was just pondering because I know of your sister's preferences, she has no desire to bear a child." Well that caught me off guard. I had an uncomfortable feeling. Obviously I didn't want to start an argument. "My sister was actually talking about adopting."

Victoria gave a small nod but still I could see that she disagreed with that idea. "While that is very nice, I believe that the blood of the royal family should be pure." I immediately gave a look of disgust. Nathaniel glared at her while placing his hand on mine. She caught my change of face and immediately backtracked.

"I'm not trying to degrade you or the Queen's adoption because to be honest, if you two weren't there, and if Kiara's fate was the same, Reilly would've had to rule Zodious, find a husband and produce an heir. That would be so stressful for a girl her age."

This woman was not making a good case for herself at all. "Trust me, Reilly can handle a lot."

"But I bet she hasn't had the easiest life. I mean an absent father, an alcoholic mother, an older sister that prefers the same sex, and another older sister who was a complete psycho." God damn I had wanted to punch her so bad. I balled up my fist and my knuckles were turning wider by the minute. "So I guess you don't like the royal family that much. If you hate us, just say it." I immediately realized what I had said out loud and my eyes widened.

Victoria immediately got offended. "I never said that at all your grace. While I do not agree with the Queen's lifestyle choices, I do admire her leadership and kindness to her planet. She has brought Zodious to a new golden age. But she should cut down on the public displays of affection. I mean has her mother not taught her anything? Even Amber at her drunkest could control herself from slobbering all over her bastard of a lover."

Nathaniel glared at Victoria again. "Mother please. Enough." Before I was about to curse her out, a waitress came up to our table little did she know she saved Victoria from getting her ass beat. "Would you like anything else?" I looked at her then gave some major side eye to Victoria. "Just the check." I said politely. After five unbearable minutes of silence the carriage came and I practically flew into it.

Just wait until I tell my sisters what my boyfriend's mother said about us.

The Zodiac sisters 2 A wedding to rememberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن