thrity-five! here comes the bride.

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june thirteenth, 2004. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧༺♥༻∞

here's a recap. logan dumped rory, goose is three months, im waiting for an apartment for the fall, mom is in love with luke, and i'm hyped for july. greyson doesn't get out of stupid lacrosse camp until june 29th, so we hit europe on july third. i was walking goose by kirk and mom when i saw jess. he ran up and hugged me and goose jumped on our hug too. "goose!" jess exclaimed, squatting down and rubbing goose on the stomach. "he's so big!" jess added. "oh i know. he's already three months!" i replied. "i missed you too!" he replied, kissing me. "jess. not here." i replied, pushing him off. "why not? we have a dog, which is basically a child." he replied. "it is definitely not. you're crazy." i replied.  "crazy for you." he replied. "jess. even if that was true you never called, visited, postcarded, anything." i pointed out. "i know, i know. let me make it up to you." he offered. "stop. i'm going away in july, if you really care about me find me in september." i said walking away.

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