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A/N: I wrote a few different endings and i couldn't decide which one i wanted to end the book with so i ended it that way but now i would like to show you the different endings i was considering.

So, without further a due here are the other endings. I hope you enjoy it and tell me which one is your favorite.

Oh one more thing I would like to thank everyone who went on this crazy journey with me and Leeann, Moonjo and Jongwoo. Half of the time it was hard to navigate through all the episodes of the show but in the end I got there anyway let me not ramble on for to long... Enjoy


"Leeann" i heard someone call me as i enter the building turning around it was Ah-eum. "Yeah did you get a lead on the man you're so obsessed over" i said smiling at her and she playfully shoved me a little bit too hard I'm fact because i stumbled back colliding with someone "sorry" i said turning around and helping them up "watch where you're going" he said glaring at me "how about you watch where you're going i was turned around if you didn't notice maybe if you get off the phone you would see that" i said smacking the bottom of his hand that held the phone, as i did that it shot up and fell to the floor. "Oh, watch where you're going" i said mocking him and turning back around towards Ah-eum.

I heard him chuckle before saying something underneath his breathe "what was that?" i said turning around but he wasn't there anymore rolling my eyes i turned back around to Ah-eum and was met face to face with the same guy this time one of his eyes glowed,

I heard him chuckle before saying something underneath his breathe "what was that?" i said turning around but he wasn't there anymore rolling my eyes i turned back around to Ah-eum and was met face to face with the same guy this time one of his ey...

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stepping back a little he stepped forward "i said i like your... attitude I'm Lee Rang" he said as he eyes ran over my body.

"Do girls fall for this you know what I lost interest and i don't care" i said grabbing Ah-eum's hand and walking out the door "that guy was so fucking weird" i said opening up my umbrella and looking back one more time to make sure he wasn't following us.

As i turned back around i saw someone with a red umbrella i was going to go over and ask where he got it from but then he looked up at me and my heart skipped a beat, it was like everything stopped.

"Moonjo?" i asked in a whisper and he smiled shaking his head no "I'm Lee Yeon" this was the last thing he said to me before heading inside the building we came out of "Who's Moonjo? isn't that the killer at Eden Studio i heard about him a few yea...

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"Moonjo?" i asked in a whisper and he smiled shaking his head no "I'm Lee Yeon" this was the last thing he said to me before heading inside the building we came out of "Who's Moonjo? isn't that the killer at Eden Studio i heard about him a few years ago"

"Yeah...my ex-husband?"

"I'm sorry your what? Since when were you married and married to a murderer nonetheless? Did you know all the rest of them?"

"Why is everyone so surprised when i tell them i was married and yes i did know them all and no i don't bring them up and will not talk about them anymore so don't ask...did you see that guy?" i said and she looked behind me as she got in the car "no what guy?"

"The guy with the red umbrella"

\(^o^)/🔪        \(^o^)/🔪


Pulling up to the address Deok-hwa gave me I jumped out of the car "Leeann!" He yelled excitedly opening his arms and running towards me laughing I hugged him back. "It's been years since I've seen you"

"It's been only 2 days"

"Well, it feels like that" he said letting me go "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine" he said trying to place his hand on the man's shoulder but the other man leaned away from him and I laughed

"Well, it feels like that" he said letting me go "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine" he said trying to place his hand on the man's shoulder but the other man leaned away from him and I laughed

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"This is Grim, Grim this is Leeann"

"It's nice to meet you.. are you alright" I asked as I saw a tear roll down his face trying to see his eyes which he kept down. "Yes I'm fine," he said looking up at me and I stumbled back almost falling in the process. "I should go" I said headed towards my car. "Wait Leeann, what's wrong?" Deok-hwa asked "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I heard the man says walking over to the car and I fumbled with the keys trying to start the car "A man I met the other day did the same thing his name I think was Jongwoo he kept calling me Moonjo which I assume who you think I am. Who was he to you?" He asked standing there.


"You were married?" Deok-hwa asked as shocked full he faces "please come in I won't come near you if you like" he said, and I stared at him it has to be him... He looks just like him but he kind of looks younger "okay... I hope you're not a killer like my ex" I said laughing as we walked in "I'm a grim reaper" he said smiling at me and I smiled back "yeah don't say that to people it will creep them out and not want to be around you like me don't say that to me again I'll leave" I said, and he nodded before opening that door for me.

"Do you like ice cream?" Deok-hwa asked me and i nodded "Who doesn't. Do you have mint chocolate?" 

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