Chapter 22

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"Baby, how would you like to be killed? Open your eyes wake up" I heard someone whispering to me shooting up out of my bed I looked around. Nobody. Getting up from my bed I headed out of my room and down the hallway towards the kitchen looking around there was a door opening pecking inside it was pitch black there's never a door open only one that keeps its door open is pervert. 

Shrugging i started walking away but I saw a shadow run across the room jumping back I looked back in the room this time a little closer inside still nothing. Deciding to go I moved on but the room next to that one was cracked open I shouldn't do this what if someone popped out and stabbed me in the neck, but my stupid self has to see why the door is ajar.

Pushing the door open the room looked exactly like mine but it had blood-covered walls and there was a person I could just see there back "who are you? Who's there?" I called out to in shock to move slowly the person started to turn around...the person was me. "runaway" she said, and I just stared at her I couldn't move "run away, I'm telling you" she said again I tried to but I couldn't run away and then she started laughing hysterically.

As she laughed the walls started moving and I left my body that's the only way to describe it I saw myself not the other me but me then I saw all of Eden then I saw outside the building and I started to fall and I jumped up as my eyes shot open, looking around I was in my bed. What the fuck was that about. Getting up I sat there thinking about that dream "These nightmares are driving me crazy I've been having them for a week now, maybe it's because I'm stuck in here most of the day I have to get out of here" I said to myself before getting dress and walking over to Jongwoo room knocking on it a few moments later he opens the door. "You want to head out I have some planning to do"

"What planning?" he said putting on his shoes and closing his door, locking it behind him "I'm getting married did I not tell you that?"

"No you didn't, to who?" he asked as we started walking down the hallway "To Moonjo" I said and Jongwoo was about to say something but someone came out "Hello, can you hold on for a second?" the guy from last night said poking his head out before going back in the room a few seconds later he came out with his bag and Jongwoo charger "Thank you for last night I could charge my phone thanks to you" he said handing Jongwoo his charger and we started walking away again "That's mine, sorry this is yours" he said exchanging his charger for Jongwoo's. We started walking again but he decided to tag along "The one I just handed to you is mine that's broken" he said a little too loud "You have to talk quieter here" I said to him

"Ah I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize to me"

"The people here are just weird just don't make loud sounds"

"Have you been living here for a long time?"

"No, we're quite new here as well"

"Oh, i see how is it living here? The place I lived before wasn't that great"

"Why don't we go out and talk?" I said as Jongwoo put his charger back in his room "Sure you guys were going out, right"

"Yes, let's go" I said, and the new guy grabbed his stuff it looked like a speaker and a microphone. "Are you going somewhere?" he asked us "We're thinking of taking a walk it's a nice day out you?" I asked him before Jongwoo could say anything this man doesn't need to know my business. "I'm going to a performance" he replied

"Are you a singer?" Jongwoo asked "No, now a singer I'm a rapper"

"That's cool"

"It's really not that cool, what about you?"

"We work at a performance promotion company"

"Really? Then do you hold music performances as well"

"No, it's for theater productions"

"We're still both in the performing art industry"

"Which way are you heading?" I asked as we made it to the front door. "This way" he said pointing that way we have to go "Where are you going?" he asked us and I pointed in the same direction as we started to walk and he followed beside us "It's so hot today, how old are you two?"

"I'm 27"

"I'm 25"

"You look so young for your age. I'm 25 years old you're really beautiful"

"Thank you and how did you find this studio?"

"I saw it online I've never lived in a room without air conditioning though, can I call you Hyung?" he asked looking over at Jongwoo now. "Sure, you can be comfortable with me and Leeann" he replied

"I'll get comfortable with both of you it just takes some time" he said smiling and winking at me "I'll help you with that" Jongwoo said and I moved out the way so he can help him "okay" he said glancing over at me.

"Is there anyone at the studio that's also our age?" he asked after a few minutes "There are some men in their 30s but they're all insane"


"They're weird"

"If you're not busy tonight-" he started to speak but a voice cut him off "Hello" looking over to the voice it was Moonjo "Hello" the new guy said as he walked closer to us "you must be the new guy" he asked standing a few feet away from me Jongwoo looked at him and then slowly stood behind me, I felt him clenched on the back of my shirt. "Yes. Hello, I'm Kang Seok Yun I just moved in yesterday do you live here?"

"Yes, I live here you're very cheerful"

"I'd like to think that I am"

"You three must've been talking about something fun" Moonjo said looking over at me and glancing behind me at Jongwoo. I felt him grab the back of the shirt more if that even was possible if he grabbed it anymore, I'm sure I would die from strangulation. "We were just saying hi" I replied smiling at him. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Just on a walk"

"Just on a walk? that's a great idea it's not that hot today" he said with a smile of his, but I could tell that it didn't reach his eyes at all. "Aren't you hot?" Seok Yun said "What?" Moonjo replied looking over at him no no no no no no no no no why did he say that. "You're wearing long sleeves in summer are you scared that you'll get darker?"

"No, I have a scar on my arm"

"A scar?" I looked over at him a scar? I have never seen a scar on his body before did i miss something "Yes, let's grab a beer with everyone at the studio when you have time"

"Do you do that here?"

"Of course, there's not a lot of us and we're all around the same age it'll be good living here" Jongwoo kept a hold of my shirt he started to make me nervous, I haven't been this nervous since I was in school, my heart rate started to go up and I avoid eye contact with everyone there was a ringing in my ear, but I will go away once I calm down. I could see Moonjo kept glancing over at us "Sure, that sounds great"

"Bye now"

"See you later" Seok Yun said as Moonjo started walking up the stairs "Wow he's so handsome by the looks of the three of you everyone here must be handsome how lucky" he said and i couldn't help but giggle a little bit and my heart rate started to ease. Finally, Jongwoo let go "are you okay?" I asked him as I turned around he nodded "Hyung" Seok Yun called out "Yes" Jongwoo replied "If your not busy tonight would you both like to come and watch me perform?"



"Leeann?" Jongwoo asked as he looked over at me as we started walking down the stairs "Let's go" I replied "Okay but don't laugh at me because I'm bad" he said with a smile on his face he really is a happy guy. "We won't" I promised him while smiling back at me. "Where are you performing?"

"You'll see" he replied as we followed him.


"I wrote the song late last night please excuse my mistakes" he said and I nodded "no worries to be honest Seok Yun this is my first time seeing a rapper perform on the streets"

"I'm getting nervous" he said placing his hand over his chest smiling "I'm really bad so just don't get your hopes up"

"Okay" Jongwoo said finally smiling. "I'm so nervous you can sit there" he said pointing to square blocks and I nodded taking Jongwoo's hand and walking with him over to sit down, looking over at him he started too before.

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