Chapter 21

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"You ready?" I asked not looking up and Jongwoo said yes "How did you know it was me?"

"I heard you coming down, let's go" I said walking behind me Moonjo grabbed my hand "You never answered my question"

"Yeah, right I know... ask me when jealousy is not clouding your judgment." I said pecking his lips before heading inside "Ms. Eom" I called out as we walked towards her "Yes, come in"

"Can we see the surveillance camera footage?" 

"You want to see it again?"

"Yeah, Moonjo said Jongwoo caused a fuss, and I did something to last night we don't remember a thing"

"You sure about that?"

"Yes?" she nodded moving out the way walking to the computer and sitting down, Jongwoo sat beside me and we played back the footage. "What? When, gosh" Jongwoo said a little stress and trying to remember anything but not me if it was important, I would have remembered it, I mean it's a lie but that's what I'm sticking with at the moment. "Are you okay? Men are like that sometimes when they get drunk, but I never expected Leeann to act like this" Ms. Eom said laughing I saw myself push Jongwoo back and go into Moonjo fast pointing my finger in his face then I slapped him.

"Oh no, I slapped him...Okay so if I have to move out due to personal reasons can you give me back half the rent I paid" I asked not for me all though I do want to leave this place "Why do you want to leave? couples fight all the time" she said with now a serious face. "I want to live closer to work..." I felt Jongwoo tap my thigh "Never mind thanks anyway" I said as Jongwoo helped me up.

"Do you remember anything?" I asked as we walked down the hallway "No you?"

"No" I said looking around and my eyes locked with what the pervert was doing. He was printing out pictures of women and cutting them out, looking down I saw his ankle bracelet he really is trash, utter trash. I really want to leave this place, but I don't want to leave Jongwoo alone... Moonjo will understand if he doesn't oh well. Sighing I started walking again "I'm going to head out to view some apartments, do you want to come?" Jongwoo asked I shook my head no while I drank water. "I'm just going to stay here today relax most likely I'll go to the roof for a while." I said and he nodded heading the other way.

As I finish drinking my water, I headed to the stairs about to head to the roof but soon my phone rang, looking down I smiled before walking out "Yes?"

"Are you coming to the bar tonight" I looked at the time and then thought about it "not today I'm still getting over a hangover, but I will definitely come tomorrow"

"Okay love you"

"Love you too" I said hanging up and heading back inside and up the roof, finally making it up there I breathed in the fresh air and sat down closing my eyes and enjoying the sun.

Jumping up to my phone buzz I grabbed it answering it "Yes?"

"Leeann where are you, I'm back I'm at your door"



"I'm on the roof I'll be down" I said hanging up finally opening my eyes I looked around and it was nighttime. Did I just fall asleep up here for six hours I must be tired? Stretching I headed downstairs and caught up with Jongwoo who was waiting for me. "Where you upstairs this whole time?" he asked as we walked into his room "yeah one minute I was enjoying the sun and the next minute you called me" I said sitting on his bed. "You must've been tired"

"I must have" I said and soon we heard a knock on his door come to think of it I didn't hear anyone when I got down here "Who is it?" Jongwoo asked "Hello I just moved in across the hall I was wondering if I could borrow your charger" the new guy asked we looked at each other for a moment then he knocked again "Excuse me" he said getting up I walked over to the door creaking it slowly enough just to peck it was someone new "Hello" he said a little surprised to see it was me "What is this about?" Jongwoo asked as I open the door more "Well... I need to use my phone later, but I don't have a charger can I borrow your charger?" he asked Jongwoo shut the door turning around he was grabbing his charger.

Opening the door, the boy wasn't there "Oh, right" the boy said coming from his room with a smile on his face "thank you" he said, "And the convenience store down the street sells chargers just to let you know" I said to him he looked down at me smiling bigger "Yes thank you" I nodded smiling back before closing the door. "Thank you I'll give it right back thank you" he said through the door before I heard another door close.


Walking into the kitchen I heard a bang on the ceiling looking over at Jongwoo I know he heard it sighing I walked over to the cabinet grabbed some ramen and started making it. As heard footsteps leave and I knew Jongwoo went to investigate it soon I felt arms wrap around me "you friends are going to get caught, I don't know what they're doing up there, but you need to tell them to keep it down, Jongwoo's already on edge about everything" I told him, and he nodded kissing my neck.

"So have you thought about it yet?"

"It's only been a day" I said grabbing my ramen and placing it on the table "Okay" he said sitting down with me I saw him look up "you can go" I said looking up at him as I ate my ramen "What?"

"You can go and talk to them...oh I forgot yes; I'll marry you" I said casually as I continued to eat my ramen "you will?"

"Yeah, where's my ring?"

"In my room, I'll go and get it" he said getting up kissing my forehead, and walking away. Taking another bite my phone started ringing "Hello"


"Yes, mom?"

"Where are you?"

"Me? I'm at home, eating. What is it but what's wrong with your voice?"

"I had a dream about you, and it felt ominous is everything all right?"

"Yes, everything's fine oh by the way...I'm getting married to Moonjo" I said, and the line went silent before I heard my mom scream with joy "About time he asked us about a month ago, but Leeann be careful of others as you know humans are the most fearful beings"

"Alright don't worry about me and go back to bed, you need to wake up early and go to the marketplace"



"Isn't it tough?"

"I mean please stop worrying about me I'm not a little girl anymore"

"To parents, their kids will always be kids"

"Alright I understand now go to bed"

"Okay, don't keep the windows open no matter how hot it is"

"Alright I'm hanging up now goodnight"

"Okay and make sure to tell me when the wedding is"

"Okay I love you"

"I love you too" she said, and I hung up and continued to eat. "Was that your mom?" looking up it was Moonjo who sat back down and started eating with me "Yeah she said hi" I said, and he nodded reaching for my hand and placing the ring in my hand "do you want me to put it on you?"

"I hope you will" I said, and he chuckled before sliding the ring on my finger, smiling I looked at him before remembering something. "Oh, why didn't you tell me I slapped you yesterday"

"Oh, because it was nothing couples fight"

"What happen I want to know"

"You were out there telling people how creepy they are, and you also threaten to kill then I try to stop you and you told me to stay on of it and to back you up because I'm your boyfriend then I try to talk and calm you down and you slap me" he said "Oh my baby I'm sorry" i said leaning over at kissing his cheek. "It's fine" he said, and we sat there talking and eating before I started to get tired "do you want to stay with me tonight" I asked holding out my hand and he nodded.

Closing the door and locking it behind me I turned back to him smiling "what?" he replied before I jumped on him...

"I can get used to this" I said pulling up my blanket to cover my exposed chest as we cuddle and I started to fall asleep in his arms, I felt him kiss my forehead "I hope you can" he replied as I started falling deeper into my sleep. 

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