A New Enemy

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3rd person Pov

A figure was sitting alone in a room, staring at the wall, seemingly bored.

There was a knock on the door. Then a voice spoke out, "master? I have news."

The master looked to the door, "come in."

The door opened, and in stepped a man looking no older than 25.

"What is it?" The master asked. "I don't have time for games."

"We found information including the incident that happened about 13 years ago."

The master snarled, "you mean the incident that messed up?" He questioned. "The one time we had to obtain the child, that a squad under your control messed up?" He spoke in anger, pissed that anyone would even mention the failure of that mission.

"H-hai," the man muttered. "We have found the child."

The master went still, then a smirk started to creep along his face, "is that so?"

The man nodded.

"Where is the child?"

"In Konoha, and there are no signs of the parents."

The master started to laugh, "this is the opportunity we have been waiting for! Call the men, in 2 weeks I want an attack in Konoha. And, make sure that the child is within our grasp."

The man nodded and ran out of the room.

'Oh,' the master thought. 'We'll finally be able to win this on going war. And what better weapon to have than our opponents own child.'

'You know what they say, you need to fight fire with fire.'

Present time with the Akatsuki

"A new enemy?"

"Hai," Sasori spoke.

They were currently in a meeting, a new enemy had made itself known.

"What is the information?" Pein asked.

"They call themselves Hakai," Sasori started. "They've made it known that they have no allies. I don't know much, but they seem to think of themselves as gods. They also want to destroy everything, and from what I can tell, have a special grudge to pick with Konoha."

"Are they of any threat to us?"

Sasori nodded his head, "they are the ones responsible for the last attack on Amegakure."

Silence rang throughout the room.

Pein then spoke, "we will call a meeting with the Hidden Villages, they aren't an opponent to be taking lightly."

All of the members nodded.

Present time in Kumogakure


"An enemy has advanced within our borders. We have already tried to get a peace treaty, but they are not accepting. Also, none of the men we have sent have come back."

"Dammit," A muttered. "We won't be able to do anything, our best shinobi have been wiped out. Send word to the other Kages, its time for something to be done about this."

The man nodded them ran off.

(A/N: I'm too lazy to write out all of the reactions, but all of the hides villages are in the same position.)

Present time with Jiraiya

"Dammit," Jiraiya muttered. He looked towards they sky, the weather wasn't the best at the moment.

'I need to get to Konoha,' he thought. 'My spy network has detected a threat to the village, and I need to speak with Sensei about this.'

'I just hope I'm not too late.'



Not much to say other than I will be changing updating dates.

I will now update on Mondays. That way I can give you guys longer chapters and not feel horrible about not updating a lot.


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