Chapter 6

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Time Skip!! (One month)

I sighed for what felt like the 20th time today. "Akuma at point A." I said lazily.

"Sasuke at point B."

There was a slight pause.

"Naruto at point C."

"Your too slow, Naruto," Sensei started. "Alright, ready, set, GO!!!!!"

At the same time we all jumped out of our hiding spots and to the prey. Naruto tacked it to the ground.

"GOD DAMMIT!!!!!" Naruto screamed as the cat attacked him. "I FUCKING HATE CAAAATTTTSSSSSSS!"

I giggled at how Naruto was trying to get the cat off his face, but failing.

"Akuma-chaaaan!" Naruto whined. "Help with this devil cat!"

"Alright," I sighed, it was fun watching the cat. I walked over to Naruto then picked up Tora and held the cat how your supposed to.

Time skip to Hokage tower

"Oh my lovely Tora, mommies missed you so much!" A slightly obese lady said, while squeezing the life out of Tora.

I inwardly cringed, no one deserves to hugged to death.

"Alrighty," Hokage-sama said. "For your next mission you can blah blah blah."

I spaced out when he started listing of jobs that we could do. All of them are childs play and utterly ridiculous.

Instead, I started to think about how my team found out I was a girl, it was a very funny experience.

(Flashback, brought to you by Zetsu)

"Alright, that's enough training for today," Kakashi said.

"Finally," Naruto sighed, slumping down practically falling asleep standing up. "Hey, let's all go swimming in the river!" Naruto yelled as he jumped up and back to life.

"Hn, why not?" was Duck-ass reply.

"Ma, it could help to strengthen your teamwork, so why not," added Sensei.

They all looked to me expectantly.

"I'm fine with it," I said in monotone.

After that we all went to go change into our swimsuits and met up by the river.

My swimsuit was a black top with black boy bottoms, I had my hair down and you could tell I was a girl. And of course bandages on my forehead.

When I got there I saw Naruto looking at me confused.

"Whaa-" he started.

"Uzumaki-san, it's me, Akuma." I interrupted him.

After that Naruto, Kakashi, and Sasuke started to freak out. I just told them I don't like wearing girls cloths, and I don't care if people think I'm a boy.

(Flashback end, brought to you by Madara)

"Fine!!!" Hokage-sama screamed. "You have a C-ranked escort mission. Send in the client!"

We all looked around to the door and saw an old man with a sake bottle in the doorway.

"This," Hokage-sama started, "is your client, Tazuna-san."

He just looks like a drunken old man.

Tazuna-san looked us over then said "these are the brats that are supposed to protect me,

that short beat with the idiotic look on his face doesn't look like he could hurt a fly."

When he said this Naruto and Sasuke lined up next to be to see who was the shortest. It went me, Sasuke, then Naruto.

Naruto yelled "I'll kill you!!!! You drunk old man!!!!"

I sighed but intervened before Naruto screwed anything up.

I grappled his arms then held them behind his back while I had him in a headlock.

"Naruto-san, you can't kill the client." I said while he struggled to get free.

Before Naruto said anything else, Sensei intervened by saying, "alright, let's meet by the gates in 1 hour."

After he said that he disappeared with his usual white puff of smoke.

(Time skip to gates)

"COME ON!!! LETS GO!!!" Naruto screamed.

Wow, he sure is happy.

"Shut up dobe, your presence is an annoyance." said Sasuke.


And Sensei has arrived.

"Alright, let's head out," Sensei announced.

"Yatta! I'm a traveler now!" Naruto yelled.

Tazuna-san looked at Sensei and asked "am I supposed to trust my life to them?"

It's not like this mission will be hard, it's only a C-Ranked escort.

Sensei then gave Tazuna-san his famous eye-smile and said, "don't worry, I'm a Jounin and I will be escorting you on this mission."

With that we all headed out of the gates, and on to the mission.


Hey everyone!!! Here is the update!

Please, please, please comment on when the plot should start. During or after the Chunin Exams. I don't know what to do and it is driving me crazy!

5 votes and I shall update early, if not I shall always update on Wednesdays.

I got the pictures from a random anime app, don't remember what it's called.

Comment and Vote.

Flames will be used to power my flamethrower.

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