Chapter 4

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"God damnit!!! When is sensei gonna get here!?!?" Screamed Naruto.

Sasuke gave Naruto an annoyed look, then replied, "dobe sensei will get here when he does."

I gave a sigh at there childish behaviors. "I think we should have a plan for the survival training. Sensei is a Jounin, so genins won't be able to beat him if we do it ourselves."

Naruto looked pissed that he would have to work with Sasuke, but he nodded in agreement.

Sasuke was being his regular emotionless bastard and just nodded.

I took a deep breath then started, "ok Naruto your gonna..."

(Time skip to when Kakashi gets there.)


Naruto suddenly got up and screamed "YOUR LATE!!!!!!"

Kakashi gave a closed eye crinkle and said, "Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way."

Naruto looked discouraged, and Sasuke just looked at Sensei expectantly. I just looked at Sensei indifferently.

Kakashi-sensei cleared his throat, as he pulled out 2 bells. "You need to get these bells from me by noon. The person who doesn't get a bell will be sent back to the academy."

What? Then why were we put on teams, it's like he's trying to put us against ea- That's it!

The test is to see if we can put aside our differences and work together, even if it means one of us would go back to the academy.

I looked over to Naruto and Sasuke to see if they figured it our, and it looks like they haven't.

Sensei put a timer on one of the posts. "Ready, Set, Go!"

As soon as he said that all three of us jumped into the trees.

Sasuke being the prissy bastard that he is, looked at me and said, "I will not fail this, so I can do it alone."

I made a 'tsk' sound.

"Baka," I started. "Sensei is obviously trying to get us to use teamwork. Just commence with the plan."

Naruto just gave me a nod then jumped out of the trees and stood in front of sensei.

"Oi, sensei!" Naruto yelled. "How about you fight me!!! Or are you too scared you bastard!!!"

Naruto got out some shurinken and threw them at sensei. Sensei easily caught them.

"You know," sensei started. "The loudest is usually the worst on the team."

At this Naruto got really pissed and started throwing insults at sensei. Just then, Sasuke got behind sensei and did Kaiton no Jutsu.

It hit sensei but he did a substitution jutsu.

Shit, were is he??

I looked up and saw he was in a tree.

I guess it's time to start phase 2 of our plan...

Kakashi Pov change!

Hm, so it looks like they figured out the point of the test. I guess now I'll just see what strengths and weaknesses they have.

As I was pondering this Akuma came up and almost hit me with a roundhouse kick to the face.

Damn, I need to pay better attention to these kids.

I jumped down into the clearing where Sasuke and Naruto attacked me with kunai. While I was dodging them I didn't notice Akuma come behind me and grab the bells.


I looked behind me and saw that Akuma had 2 bells. "Meet me by the posts." As I said that I disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Hey, hope you like the chapter!

I thought I might want to do a little explaining even if it's not needed.

Itachi is an S-ranked criminal because he killed Danzo and those son of a bitch elders.

Things will mostly follow canon until around chunin exams, then everything is completely made up and the real plot starts!!!!

Also start voting now if the plot should take place during or after chunin exams. I can do both but it's so hard to make a decision and it's killing me how I can't make one.

Vote, and Review my pretties!!

Flames will be used to make pancakes.

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