Chapter 11

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"What the Fuck?"

I looked at Sensei then gave him a questioning look.

He then continued, "This seal has 6 different chakra signatures in it, not including the chakra that you stole from Zabuza."

I widened my eyes, what the fuck was this thing.

"When we get back to the village, I will have Inochi and one of the Hyuuga's look at the seal. Also, sometimes Jiriya-sama comes to the village, it might be beneficial to have him look at it."

"Sensei," I started, "what is this thing?"

"I don't know, but don't do anything like that again, you might not wake up next time."

"Hai, Sensei. But, why do you think I have it?"

"There are many different reasons for things. Most of our questions we don't have the answer to. And sometimes it's best to leave it like that."

I nodded understanding what Sensei was talking about.

(Time Skip)

"Time for training."

"Yea!!! Finally we get to learn some super awesome Ninja moves!!!"

"Hn, finally."

"Now what?"

"Nice to see your all energetic," Sensei deadpanned. "For this exercise you going to climb a tree."

I looked at Sensei confused, why would we need to know how to climb a tree?

"Without your hands," Sensei finished.

I looked at him with a 'what the fucking hell' look.

Then he started to climb up a tree only using his feet.

"Sugoi!!!" Naruto yelled.

He then tossed us some kunai.

"Gather chakra into your feet and mark your spot with the kunai."

We nodded and yelled "hai."

I picked up the kunai and focused chakra into my feet. At least, I tried to. I couldn't find my chakra. Only the other chakras.

"I thought this might happen." I looked over at Sensei as he spoke. "Because of the different chakras you have, you will need to meditate in order to find your signature. In the future, you might be able to use all the chakra that you store, but not right now."

I nodded the sat on the ground as Sensei instructed me.

"First, relax your muscles. Next, try to find your chakra flow, this is where you will have to experiment to find out which chakra is yours. Good luck." then he walked away.

I sighed, but did what I was told. I tried to see my chakra signature. Then I saw 8 different colors running through my head. The only one that caught my attention was the crimson red one. I willed it to come to me, and it did.

I opened my eyes and stood up, then picked up the kunai. I then focused the crimson chakra to my feet and ran at the tree. When I ran up it I got all the way up.

I looked at Sensei and yelled, "Up here!"

(Pov change Naruto,)

"Up here!"

I looked up to see Akuma at the very top of he tree.

"Great job Akuma-chan!!" I yelled.

"Great job," I looked over to Kaka-baka and saw he was talking. "Looks like Akuma has more of a chance to be Hokage, and maybe the Uchiha clan isn't so great after all."

Me and Teme looked at Kaka-baka pissed.

"I'll show you!!!!" I yelled at Kaka-baka.

Sasuke and I then ran at a tree, but we kept falling. After a while I went over to Akume-chan.

"Hay," I whispered. "Can you give me some advise."

Akuma-chan looked at me, "the trick is to be calm, and not worry about anything but the tree, when you do that you should be able to find the right amount of spiritual and physical chakra."

I nodded, understanding what I have to do. I then ran at the tree. I got way higher then before and when I got down I yelled, "I did it!! I did it!!"


Yes, I seriously did just end it there.

I feel so bad for not updating, so here is the apology update.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments.

Flames will be used to conqure the world!!!

Sad Wonderful LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang