Chapter 17

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I am tired.

No, seriously. Mikoto dragged me shopping and wouldn't let me go until my entire wardrobe was replaced.

My ENTIRE wardrobe.

I thought I was going to die. It was THAT BAD. I FUCKING HATE shopping.

At first it was fun, because of all of the new stuff. But when you have someone wanting to buy a million items, it fucking sucks.

My new wardrobe is slightly (a lot) more feminine. Because Mikoto said it's not good to hide your face all the time. My Kunoichi outfit is a cool though. It's revealing, but not enough to be uncomfortable. My head band is tied around my forehead, and my hair is down (against my will). It also has a shit ton of pockets for hiding weapons. (A/N: I drew a picture of what she looks like.)

I looked at the clock. It was time for me to head to the training grounds.

Time skip to training grounds.

When I got the the training ground I saw that, as usual, I was the first there. I decided to lay down on a tree branch and take a nap, because Sensei is usually really late.

I awoke to a "YOUR LATE!!"

I got up off the tree branch and slid down. When I got down I saw the boys staring at me, and I felt a little insecure.

"H-h-h-hi Akuma-chan," Naruto stuttered.

"Ma," Sensei started. "I guess Mikoto-san was telling the truth about getting you a new wardrobe."

I nodded, "It sucks though. I fucking hate shopping."

"I'm just glad she takes you and not me," Sasuke said.

I flipped him off.

"Let's get on with the mission," Sensei said.

Summary of missions

We painted fencing, picked weeds, walked dogs, and a whole bunch of useless things.

"Senseeeeeeiiiiiiiii," Naruto whinned. "Why can't we get better missions?"

"Because last time we brought a S-rank criminal home," Sensei answered.

"Dammit," Naruto muttered.

"Meet me on bridge tomorrow, same time." Sensei said before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Hey Akuma-chan," Naruto started. "Would you like to get some ramen with me?"

I nodded a yes, "and you can call me Iridessa if you like. That is my name, but when I was younger, I wasn't able to say it, so I just went by Akuma."

"Okay A- I mean Iridessa-chan!"

"Sasuke," I started. "Would you like to come with."

Sasuke seemed thoughtful for a moment. "No, Father promised to teach me a new technique so I'm gonna head home."

I nodded. "Alright Naruto, let's go."

With that me and Naruto started to head to get ramen.

While we were walking, I noticed that box was following us. I nudged Naruto and gestured to behind us. He nodded. I put a finger to my mouth, saying to pretend we didn't notice. He nodded.

"It sure is a nice day," I started.

"Yep, it sure is." Naruto said.

We both heard giggling behind us. Me and Naruto both stopped, and the box stopped a little way's behind us. Naruto then moved fast and lifted up the box, shouting a "Gotcha!"

I saw three kids jump and make a small scream.

Me and Naruto both laughed.

One of the kids yelled, "That wasn't funny!!"

"But it was," I retorted, still laughing. "You should have seen your faces."

"I'm Konohamaru, this is Udon, and this is Moegi." The boy names Konohamaru introduced.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey boss," Maru started. "You promised to play ninja with us."

"E-eh," Naruto started, "well..."

"Can I play too?" I asked.

"Yeah!!!" They all yelled.

We all started to play, but the when Maru was running, he bumped into someone.

"Why you little," the stranger said while picking up Maru.

"Hey let me down!!" Maru yelled.

"Let him down!!" Naruto yelled at the stranger.

"No," the stranger retorted, "these punks need to be taught a lesson."

"Excuse me," I started. "Your from Sunagakure, right? I don't think you want to explain to anyone why you were hurting the Hokages grandson."

At those words the stranger let Maru down. "Only because we don't want to cause trouble."

"But," he continued, going up to me and picking me up by my collar, "that doesn't mean you'll get off easy."

"Let me go," I stated.

"Kankuro, stop." A girl said, she was also from Suna, judging by her headband.

"No, these brats need to be taught a lesson." Kankuro replied.

Everyone was arguing and telling him to put me down. But, I was looking at something else.

"Your hood," I started. "Why does it look like you have cat ears?"

At this Kankuro blushed, not knowing what to say.

Naruto started laughing, "Y-you're right! It does look like cat ears!"

"Why you little-" Kakuro started.

All of a sudden a rock came and hit his hand, forcing him to drop me.

"You shouldn't go around picking fights," Sasuke started.

"Hey, duckass." I started. "What are you doing here?"

"Why you punks-" Kankuro started.

"Kankuro," a voice rang out, "stop it."

"Oh," Kankuro started. "Hey Gaara. It was there fau-"

"Your an embarrasment to our village." Gaara then looked at us. "Sorry for the trouble." Gaara said in a not sorry tone.

"Wait," Sasuke called out. "What is your name?"

"Sabuko no Gaara, and I would also like to know your name.". Gaara said.

Before Sasuke could answer I interrupted, "his name is Sasuke, the blonds name is Naruto, and my name is Akuma."

"Let's go," Gaara spoke, turning back to the other 2 and disappearing in a swirl of sand.

"Damn them," Naruto muttered.

"Hey Naruto," I spoke. "You said we'd go get Ramen."

He nodded. "Teme, you can come with if you like."

Sasuke also nodded, and we headed to get some ramen.


I am so sorry for going so long without updating!!

I have been busy with school and I haven't had time.

I hope you like the chapter!!


Flames will be used for a BBQ.

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