Chapter 10

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"What are we gonna do?"

It was muffled but I was able to make out the words, I was just waking up.

I opened my eyes and tried to sit up. But, I was immediately met with pain in my head.

"Whoa," I looked up and saw Naruto trying to keep my from sitting up. "You shouldn't be moving Akuma-chan."

"What happened?" I questioned.

"W-well," Naruto stuttered. "When we were fighting Zabuza you yelled then a mark like the one on your forehead surrounded you and Zabuza then youpassedoutandZabu-"

"Breathe Dobe," Sasuke said as he hit Naruto over his head.

I made a discouraged sigh, if the boys were going to keep this up I would never find out what happened.

"Ne, Akuma-chan," I looked up to see Sensei talking. "I'll tell you what happened."

I nodded my head for him to start.

"Like Naruto was saying, a circle surrounded you and Zabuza. For some reason, Zabuza started to lose chakra. But at the same time, it looked like you were dealing with a lot of head pain. Please refrain from doing that again."

"Sensei," I started, unsure of myself. "I don't, I don't really know what I did. All I know is Naruto was in trouble, then I screamed for Zabuza to stop, then that happened."

Sensei looked thoughtful at this. "When we get back to the village we'll have someone look at that mark on your head."

I nodded then mumbled a 'hai'.

"Well then, I should continue after that, seeing as how we will be meeting him later." Sensei said with a thoughtful expression. "After that you passed out, then someone dressed as a mist hunter-nin knocked out Zabuza and took him away. Just before you woke up we realized he was still alive, so we will have to prepare for him."

"Are we going to do some training?" I asked.

Sensei gave me a nod as a yes.

"But, first let me look at that mark,"

"Why, Sensei?"

"I know some fuinjutsu, so I might be able to help."

I nodded, then took off my bandages that rapped my forehead.

Sensei then put a couple fingers on my forehead and sent chakra into the seal.

I saw him widen his eyes. "What the fuck?"


Yay for cliffhangers, I think.

I will update Monday, so don't fear.


Flames will be used to help Soul get some witch souls, somehow. (Either you get the reference or you don't)

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