Back in Konoha

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We just returned to Konoha an hour ago. We have already seen the Hokage and Haku and Zabuza will be staying, they just have to go through T&I.

"Hey," Sasuke spoke. "Kaa-chan said that when we were done with the mission we should come over to my house."

"When?" I asked.

"I think tomorrow."

"Ma," Sensei spoke. "Then after training we should all head over."

"Yay!! Dattebayo!!!" Naruto yelled.

"Well," I said while yawning. "I'm gonna go home, see you tomorrow."

They all nodded, we said goodbye and went home.

When I got home, I set my alarm and plopped down of my bed. Not even bothering to change. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Time Skip to training.

"Sorry I'm late," Sensei spoke, when he finally decided to show up. "A black cat crossed my path-"

"LIAR!!!!" We all yelled.

"Today we are going to practice our accuracy."

We all nodded, and set up our targets.

I took out some kunai and started to throw them at the target. Our of the 10 I threw 8 were a bulls eye, one was just on the edge, and one was one the circle just outside.

"Good job, Akuma-chan." I looked over and saw it was Sensei speaking. "You need to loosen up a little, your stance is a little stiff. If someone was to come over and push you, you would fall down."

I nodded, and went to grab the kunai. When I did I got into stance, making sure to be loose. It was different then what I was used to, not hard, just different. When I threw the Kunai, they all got in the bulls eye.

I looked over to Sasuke and saw his result was the same. But, when I looked over to Naruto, he was struggling. Sensei was trying to help him, but Naruto kept ignoring the advise.

I sighed, but went over to help. I took Naruto's hand and fixed it so it was in the correct spot, then did the same with the rest of his body. I then nodded for him to throw.

"Eh?" Naruto questioned. He then threw his kunai, all making a bulls eye. "YATTA!!! I did it!!!" He looked at me then picked me up spinning around. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

I was pretty sure I was blushing. I was squirming and laughing awkwardly, not used to being picked up.

"Naruto," Sensei spoke. "Put Akuma-chan down."

Naruto put me down, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry," he spoke. "Just got a little excited, dattebayo."

"It's fine," I spoke. "I'm just not used to people touching me."

Naruto nodded.

Sasuke came up to us and spoke, "you're all idiots."

I shrugged of his comment, while Naruto yelled 'teme' and slammed into Sasuke, starting a wrestling match

Sensei did a sweatdrop.

"Hey Sensei?" I asked.

"Hai," Sensei replied.

"Are you going to teach us how to walk on water?"

"Hm, I should probably start with that. The idea is the same as when climbing trees. It just requires more precise chakra control."

I nodded, "Also, I have read books about more complex jutsus, and I was wondering if you could teach me any."

Sensei looked thoughtful, "I haven't thought about teaching you so early, I kinda assumed you would know some things. But, with you and Naruto, you both will need to have someone help you with those. So, yeah, I'll teach you. But, we'll need to find out your chakra nature first."

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