"We were so confused! when I woke up my connections were all fuzzy, so I couldn't open the link! Lucky Superboy could hear you guys..."

"Superboy?" The two founders chorused, crouching with preparation as Conner quietly greeted his friends, looking the adults up and down, awaiting instructions.

"Another...?" Flash frowned, staring at Conner.

Wonderwoman nodded feverishly, blanching and taking on a fretful look. "It's another Cadmus clone?"

"Hey!" Artemis, Robin, and Wally shouted in tandem. 

Kaldur's usual shyness became masked with mortification and anger. "Please, there's no reason to address superboy like that." 

"Call superman." Batman said. "We need to ready for transport."

Clark didn't know why Bruce called a founder's meeting, but he perked up as the others escorted in six young strangers.

"Uncle J'onn!" A green girl cried, waving excitedly to the martian, who was working busily at the tower's controls. "What's happening."

"Sit tight kiddo," Flash pulled her arm back down. "We're just taking you to a holding room for--"

"You..." J'onn stood, shaken. Seizing up, both his and the girl's eyes glowed, anf neither could be moved from their trance.

"Is he the one?" Clark hurried over to his fellow World's greatest, eyes wavering on a familiar fluff of black hair. "The cadmus clone?"

"SHUT IT!" Barked a blonde girl, poised like a feral kitten about to launch herself at him. 

"Please calm down." Batman said, not sternly, but firmly. "We know you're scared, but we'll get you back to your parents as soon as we've sorted this out."

"W--WHAT? No! I mean--" She stammered, face flushing, but couldn't find the words.

"Before you go into the holding room, would you like to tell us anything?" Diana asked.

"Like how you come across a martian, an Atlanean, and a Kryptonian clone?"

"Batman! You know you guys can't call Superboy that!" the Smallest kid growled.

"It's fine." The clone said stiffly, glowering at him. Though the Clone was younger, mid teens at most, and of a much more severe disposition, It was definately a clone; and the other children's unwillingness to acknowledge it was confusing. They're reaction to the words 'Cadmus' and 'clone' were those of hearing a slur of insults, why? What was so personal about it?

A young black boy, the same age or older, sporting noticeably aquatic traits, grabbed his arm. "Superboy--"

"IT'S FINE, OKAY?!" The clone snapped, jerking his arm away and crossing them tightly. He glanced around, and settled himself on glaring in the direction of the green girl, who was still floating in deep trance.

Clark noticed that both the other founders were on edge; Diana was toying with the end of her lasso, while Bruce had dropped all subtlety and gripped his belt, iron gaze set of the threatening presence of the teen. So as not to be the last to act, Clark prepared himself to jump in and restrain.

"We don't know what's going on," A ginger kid in a garish yellow costume said, actually addressing them, and not his friends. "honest."

"What about your costumes?" Diana asked, also judging their strange apparel; some dressed in unique ways, others looking like shrunken down versions of heroes they worked with.

"Well, uh," He gestured vaguely to the flash symbol on his chest. "Well, I feel weird fighting crime without it."

Clark and his collogues exchanged glances, it wasn't the first time they'd dealt with Inexperienced wannabe heroes, but it was uncomfortable to see them come as young as the short kid with the cape. 

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