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Annabeth stared at me, eyes wide. Zeus raised an eyebrow and Athena was seething with anger. She then whispered something in Annabeth's ear. Annabeth nodded, and unsheathed a sword she had at her waist. " Fine. But I won't bring flowers to you grave. "

I clenched my right fist, and realized that I was holding something. I held the blade up, the blade made of some silver metal, and the handle black. I didn't have time to examine it thoroughly because Annabeth slashed her sword at me.

I lept back, and slashed her with my sword. She tried to move back from it, but she was cut across her brow. She wiped it, and focused her gaze. " I thought you were Praetor. Shouldn't you be better?"

That enraged me, and I kept slashing at her, but she blocked them. On each one, I hit her with the handle edge. I could see that she was tiring, and I just walked past her. She put on a confused look, but didn't realize what I was doing.

I swiveled around, and hit her on the back end of her head with the blunt end of my sword. She dropped to the ground, screaming.

"I was Praetor of New Rome. Did you actually think you would win?"

I then heard another scream, but not from Annabeth. Athena was overflowing with anger. She turned to Zeus. " You saw what happened! She is dangerous, and we should kill her now before she does us any harm. Please Father. I'll end her myself. "

The air started to crackle, and Athena stepped back a few paces, and I guessed that she was trying not to show fear. Zeus stepped forward, between Athena and me. " This girl may be dangerous, but she was one of the chosen who helped Olympus. You may get what you what however" He looked to Athena and then back to me. " If she dies along her quest. But," He focused his gaze on my sword, which I raised up. " She was somehow able to handle that sword. So, she may survive. "

I spoke up. " What do you mean by 'this sword'?"

"That is a sword made of Olympian steel. Better than Celestial bronze, Imperial gold, or Stygian iron. Olympian steel is extremely rare, and it's said that only those worthy can use a sword of that kind. And it is said that it can kill even the strongest of gods.

But, there is a limit. It only appears when you are at your worst, or when it needs to be shown. "

"Oh. " I looked over at the sword. It was a reflective steel blade, and it radiated a mysterious aura I couldn't place. Then it disappeared. I looked around me, looking for where it could've gone. And then I realized I had a watch on. But instead of a watch face, there was a button. I tapped the button, but nothing happened. "I'm guessing it doesn't want to appear right now. Anyway, what's my quest?"

Someone else walked into the room. It was Poseidon. His face was unreadable, but his eyes weren't green, but a grayish blue. Depressing. "Well, that is something that we'll tell you. Just wait until Athena and her child get out. " At this, Athena perked up and helped Annabeth walk out of the room.

We waited, and then Zeus spoke up. " First let us tell you the story of Erebus. He is a protogenes god, even older than us. His siblings along the likes of Nyx and the such. He was along those sent to Tartarus, but he went along with it cooperatively. "

Poseidon then spoke. "You see, Erebus wasn't evil or chaotic like the others. But he couldn't tame his powers as well. He fell in love with a human, named Cassandra, who he watched every day , out of the shadows.

One day, as Cassandra was going to bed, she said 'You've been watching me. Would you care to show me who you are?' Erebus revealed himself and he started to fall in love. But Erebus only came at night.

Once, he decided to come to her in the day, hoping to surprise her. But he ran into a man who was at the door. He saw as Cassandra let him in, and Erebus became jealous. "

Poseidon coughed, and Zeus started to speak again. "So jealous, in fact, that he stepped through the door and grabbed the man by his shoulders. He threw the man to the ground.

Cassandra told him to stop and asked why he was so angry. Erebus couldn't understand. He thought that she loved him. He walked towards the man, thinking that if he was out of the picture, Cassandra would be his. He willed the shadows to kill the man, but did not realize that he had killed Cassandra as well.

He held Cassandra in his hands, watching as her life drained away from her. But before she passed on she told him why he hadn't told her.

Erebus, weeping, told her that he thought she already loved him. But Cassandra told him that she didn't truly love him, and she realized that she should have loved something in her life. At least once. "

I was taken aback from this, and fought the urge to cry. It reminded me of my own life, but I was both Erebus and Cassandra. I had loved others, but they never loved me back. And I realized that at the end of my life, I wouldn't have loved someone who loved me back.

Someone put their arms around me. "There, there, little queen. Just take it easy. " It was Hestia. At that moment, I decided to forgive her. She led me away from Zeus and Poseidon. As we headed down the hallway, I saw a flicker of black hair swish past.

It was Percy. He had heard everything.

The God and the Queen (DISCONTINUED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora