"Sure!" Said Nair.

The lady wore a black skirt and dark tights, with a small black loafer shoe with a silver turtle brooch. A brooch identical to her loafer shoes was also pinned to her black shirt.

"Was Mila who chose your clothes, mother-in-law?" Asked Mário.

"No, it was actually Vaughan."

Everyone laughed as they reached the ground floor and passed through the guests heading towards the nearest table with a golden pig in the center, surrounded by several small loaves of bread. Vaughan, for that occasion, had left the black aside and wore a red suit, all embroidered with wine accents. He wore a black shirt buttoned to the collar but no tie. His hair was completely down and flowing to the front of his shoulders. The sunglasses made up the final look.

"I'm glad you're fine," Continued Mário. "Van is looking like those rockers with awful taste."

"Thanks!" Said Vaughan. "It's the face of a tired and sloppy rocker."

"And Lélia, where is she?" Marta asked.

"She's upstairs. She needed to go to Richard's room before," Nair replied.

"Oh, I see," Marta spoke in a suspicious tone.

"There they are," said Mário.

At this moment, the whole room started to clap as Richard and Lélia descended the flight of stairs to the central landing. Everyone's jaw dropped when they noticed that Richard and Lélia, still rosy-cheeked beside the regent, were holding hands. Lélia was dressed very simply, in long pale pantaloons, a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a tall clog. Her wavy hair remained without any special hairstyle, and she smiled nervously at the audience of guests who watched them.

"Good evening," Richard said in a vibrant tone. "My dear guests, thank you very much for coming to the Asturian Manor today," Richard looked at the faces of the guests, mostly government employees. "Today, we celebrate three hundred and thirty-three years of independence. We will have three full days of parties on the continent, with a wonderful program, which is already happening. So, I thank all of you who left off today's wonderful schedule to come here. You are the foundation that helps to build and maintain our dear Asturias. As a foreigner, I can say that the people of Asturias very well received me, and today, I am more part of Ástur and Asturias than Saint James and the Angels Land. Today we will have a short presentation. We will have the pleasure of watching part of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Vindobona. They accepted my invitation and will delight our ears interpreting the song Astúrias, followed by Mourão, by César Guerra–Peixe and Clóvis Pereira and ending with Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2. Für die Musiker von Filarmonica, bitte, kommen Sie in die Mitte des Saals. Everyone! A round of applause to these wonderful musicians."

Richard let go of Lélia's hand and opened his arms to the audience below. A few people moved to the center of the room and made little bows to the received applause.

" Vielen Dank für Ihre Verfügbarkeit," Richard said to the musicians. "Well, I would like to take this party time to announce an important event in my personal life, which should be made public," Richard cleared his throat. "I would like to inform everyone that Lélia Mota and I are in a relationship."

"Uhaul," Mila's scream echoed throughout the hall, which soon followed the girl's joy in 'cheers' and 'congratulations.'

"Amazing!" Said Mário.

"I would never imagine," said Scarlet.

"I already imagined," Commented Vaughan.

"Well, after this officialization, I would like to invite everyone to eat some of those fabulous treats prepared especially for you, and then we can go to the Music Hall," Richard said, indicating the door on his left.

Richard and Lélia descended the steps to the Ballroom and were greeted by various guests, taking longer than they imagined to finally reach their little group.

"Congratulations!" Mila shouted with her mouth full of food and holding a glass filled with sparkling wine with the other. She hugged Lélia dropping some of the drink on the floor.

"Thanks," Lélia said awkwardly, hugging the others. "How are you? Enjoying the party Nair threw?"

"Loving it," Scarlet said.

"Me too," Mila agreed, finishing swallowing a piece of ham. "But feeling a little bad, we're here having fun while Fernand is in jail."

"Yeah, me too," Lélia said, looking down. She had received the information from Nikolas that Charlotte had accepted the agreement to keep the rescue secret and had decided not to give the good news to the others, not even to Richard. "Look, Anna is over there!"

"Hello, people!" Said Anna approaching the group. "Beautiful party," Anna looked up at the mezzanines of the Ballroom, all decorated with gold ribbons. "And Lélia, Richard, my dear friends, Congratulations! You can't imagine how happy I am," Anna hugged them both at the same time.

"Thank you, Anna! I am also thrilled," Lélia smiled genuinely.

"So am I," Richard spoke, pulling Lélia close to him. "Everything seems like a dream."

"I can imagine," said Anna.

"Well, let's go to the Music Room?" Richard questioned, indicating the door that connected to the room mentioned.

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