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10.01.8462 - 8:06 AM

Lélia had arrived at eight o'clock in the cluster of buildings that formed the Government Palace, just over an hour before Scarlet accessed the terrible news on her device. In addition to booking a room for the meeting with Charlotte, Lélia spent the first hour of the morning looking for more information about Marlena. Still, without finding anything substantial, she decided after a few minutes to order coffee and some bread and butter and ate in her room. Shortly before eight-thirty, Lélia left her room and headed for the Square Building, which housed meeting rooms suitable for receiving visitors. Instead of using the bridge that crossed the beach, Lélia decided to use the set of underground tunnels; she wanted to avoid the sun. As she walked through the main tunnel towards the Square Building, her MC vibrated in her pants pocket.

"Lélia," she said, watching the rainbow streaks distributed throughout the tunnel.

"Hi Lélia, it's Fernanda; what a mess, huh?"

"Yeah, are you okay?"

"Yes, I am. We're almost there. Are you in room 214?"

"Getting there."

"Great, Charlotte has some points to align with you, and then we will have a small reception since you will take over Asturias, even if temporarily, it will be necessary the rite of passage," said Fernanda.

"Oh my Goddess, I'm not ready..," Lélia began.

"Be calm; there is a small team prepared for this. We will help you."

"Right," Lélia said, her stomach turning over.

"See you in a little while then, Lélia."

"See you"

Lélia arrived at the elevator in the Square Building and immediately entered, saying: 'second floor.' Still, with her MC in hand, she started checking websites for news. She updated her device six times before giving up, huffed as she exited the elevator into a hallway with a few doors. She went to room 214 and entered, closing the door behind her. She took a pill from her bag; her anxiety was too high, she knew the medicine would help her maintain control. The room was small and had a window, the sunlight coming through the leaves of the trees, giving a pleasant tone to the room's interior.

After a few minutes, a knock on the door of room 214 made Lélia startle. She gave a wave that caused the door to open. Outside, a girl in uniform, dark hair in black power precisely aligned to the shoulders of her uniform, was waiting for her.

"Mirian," Lélia said, staring at the girl she recognized as one of the directors of the Aeronautical Department.

"Hi, Lélia," Mirian said shyly. "How are you?"

"I've been better. Come in, how can I help you?" Lélia said, making room for the girl to enter.

"It will be fast. Fernanda, Charlotte's secretary, just telephoned me; she called all the high-ranking officers from Asturias to come here and told me she would have a meeting with you now, at 214. I thought I'd better come to prepare you, I don't know if the penny dropped, but they are organizing a reunion with many guests," said Mirian.

"Yeah, I noticed in the last few minutes. They've even organized the event hall, I imagine," Lélia said.

"Yes," said Mirian. "Well, I'll prepare myself then; I hate this type of event," Mirian assumed.

"Okay, thanks for coming to let me know, Mirian," Lélia said kindly.

"Good luck Lélia, I hope everything is solved quickly," said Mirian leaving the room.

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