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08.01.8462 - 4:10 AM

The National Museum of Ástur is the largest museum of Natural History and Anthropology of the New World, located in one of the most beautiful parks north of Ástur, in a Palace built to house the Royal Family on their visits to the New World. After the independence of Asturias, the site was transformed into an extensive museum, and its parks opened to the public, allowing any citizen or visitor to enjoy the beautiful view of one of the city's bays.

The Palace, in those early hours of the day, remained lit by external reflectors, which gave a majestic air to the place. The trees in the park were shaking with the wind from that higher area of ​​the city. Except for many cats that roamed the gardens and slept on some short walls, no other being could be found around the place.

The person all dressed in black jumped over one of the iron gates that gave access to the park, entering a wide pedestrian street lined with leafy trees. They walked down the path, passing by a Zoo, also located on the park's perimeters, and onward turning left and accessing a small pedestrian crossing that went up to the National Museum.

The person crossed the small garden, surrounded by palm trees that were decades old, and headed towards the Museum's main entrance, climbing a flight of stairs and crossing the street in front of the Palace. They looked from side to side, squinting their eyes and trying to identify anyone else in that location, but found only the various cats scattered around the building. According to information collected, there was no security whatsoever at the museum, whether technological or human.

They made a small wave with their hands, and a metallic sound came from the knob of one of the museum's three main doors. The person tried to turn the knob, but the door would not open. 'A simple Spell is not enough to open these doors'. They took three steps back and raised their hands in the air, and in a choreographed movement, rotated their hands in a coordinated way, then lowering them, pointing all fingers towards the double doors in the center of the building.

With an unquestionable bang, the doors fully opened. The person flinched in fright and approached one of the walls that were not illuminated by the spotlights. They started to look from side to side, their breathing labored, remaining in the same place for almost ten minutes, ensuring that the noise had not caught anyone's attention.

After waiting, they left the dimness and walked through the double doors, entering the museum. Spotlights illuminated the museum entrance, highlighting a beautiful dark meteorite in the very center of the room. The person glanced at the meteorite, remembering a certain schoolwork on the five tons, one and a half meter siderite. They pushed away from childhood thoughts and proceeded to the goal, circling the meteorite and climbing the stairs to the museum's upper floor.

The person walked through two rooms, reaching a section reserved for New World natives objects. They carefully observed the walls and tables filled with tools, cutlery, paintings, and even old photographs of New World natives. The illumination of the spotlights entered the room through the glass windows, still, it was not enough to illuminate the room properly, but it was enough for the person to locate the needed artifact.

A rusty scythe with a wooden handle was on the wall opposite the windows among several rudimentary agricultural tools. The person gave a small smile.


08.01.8462 - 10:12 AM

The Government Palace is a large building located on one of the several beaches of Ástur. Although the main buildings are on the water, the entrance to the complex was through a building in the middle of Liberty Square that is connected to the others by a bridge that crosses a strip of beach. That morning, unusual cars approached the Square Building, as is called the building on Liberty Square. The last car to arrive at the Palace took Mila, Marta, Mário, Scarlet, and Nair.

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