"And why don't we create our rules? And are we judged by ourselves?" Mila asked.

"I defend this fiercely," Lélia said. "I tried to argue with Charlotte, after the trials ended, with the Safe Era, there was no longer any need. But she never listened to me. I'm mean, we already have rules for minor crimes, but murder, terrorism, crimes against the state, and some other serious crimes are judged only by the Anjeamons."

"She believes that judgments should take place from a neutral source," said Richard.

"Was she by any chance judged for the crimes she committed?" Questioned Scarlet.

"Never!" Richard exclaimed. "There's the trick, only a sovereign can call judgment for someone, but they are above all judgment. I could call a judgment for some citizen of my realms, but I can't do the same for rulers of other realms, let alone the Supersovereign," said Richard.

The ship avoided the protocol of landing in an authorized area and made an impromptu landing in the middle of the Volksgarten in Vindobona, a few steps from Hofburg, the location chosen for Fernand's trial.

Charlotte decided to hold the trial at the place where the crimes in flagrant offense had taken place. Everyone disembarked from Arkadia's red government ship to observe that a whole structure was already in place.

"They turned it into a show," Commented Lélia.

Lélia was still holding Vaughan by the arm. Vaughan was dressed entirely in black, wearing a huge black coat that covered even his boots. He climbed out of the ship and pulled the hood over his long hair and donned sunglasses that covered nearly half of his face. His lips were the same color as his pale skin, and he made no sound. Since he had started to regain consciousness, he had avoided talking. Richard followed behind Vaughan and Lélia, along with Mila, Mário, and Scarlet. Everyone passed through the park's metal gates, entering Heldenplatz and heading towards a makeshift circular wooden bleacher between two statues. The location was right between the Neue Burg, part of the Hofburg, and Heldenplatz.

The Neue Burg building that used to be white was with a considerable part of the first two floors connected to the rest of the Hofburg, all covered in black soot. Everyone watched with regret and concern. That was the farthest part of where the fire had broken out; they then imagined how the National Library and the Royal Office building would be.

The Asturians passed a huddle of people around the stands, all making their way with their heads down to not attract attention. They found a part that seemed to give access to the interior of the stands. A woman in a red uniform and a young man dressed in black guarded the wooden archway that passed under the makeshift seats. Observing the woman Lélia took the lead:

"Janaína," greeted her passing through the arch and entering the bottom of the bleachers without asking permission.

"Lélia, are they all with you?" Janaína asked.

"Yes, they are."

Everyone entered through the arched tunnel to the center of the circular bleachers, a round space about twenty feet in diameter and only a wooden chair in the middle. Lélia's entire body seemed to fail at that moment, and it was Richard who held her so that she would not fall.

"Be calm. I'm here," he said softly in her ear.

Lélia was momentarily relieved to be able to count on Richard.

"I hate Anjeamons. I can't agree with that. It became a goal of my life to overthrow this institution," Lélia said.

Lélia observed from the other side of the entrance, sitting in the first row Fernand's children. She chose to sit just opposite the opening where the children were to avoid any embarrassment. She felt guilty for what was happening and just waved at them at a distance. Everyone sat and remained silent as the bleachers slowly filled with the people authorized to participate in the trial. Many of those who entered had badges hanging around their necks, and Lélia noted that they were media representatives from all over the world.

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