Lélia was amused to see the wide eyes of Mila, Mário, and Scarlet, going from the moons to the archaic building on the islet.

"Your friend arrived here without any warning. Sooo... he blew up Vindobona then?" Asked Nahan.

"Not really, and he must have already told you that. Someone else must have blown up the place. Fernand was there to try to understand what's been going on, but he took the blame, poor man," Lélia spoke.

"Well, I'm not going to get involved. I'll take you to the house where Fernand is. I already told you that you'll be arriving," said Nahan.

Nahan slowed the speedboat to a stop in front of the pier in the harbor.

"Thank you so much, Nahan! I don't know what could have happened without Pordelemor and you to support us at this moment. By the way, I have sad news," Lélia spoke.

"What happened?" Nahan asked, leaving the speedboat and extending his hand to Lélia.

"Let's go up," Lélia said. "I'll tell you on the way."

During the slow climb to the house where Fernand was staying, Lélia explained to Nahan about Vaughan's suicide attempt and that she had used the pretext of getting blood from Pordelemor to obtain authorization for the trip.

"I am shocked. It's a pity to see Vaughan in this situation, he and I have always had our differences, but I feel sorry for his loss and suffering," said Nahan.

"We are all extremely sad," Lélia said.

"And Fernand has nothing to do with it," Mila began to speak as she watched with a smile as people disappeared through the narrow gaps between the houses. "Whoever did this to Jeannie will pay dearly. I will guarantee it myself. But Fernand is one of the sweetest people I know. He would never hurt anyone."

"That's true," Commented Lélia.

"It's here," Nahan said, stopping in front of a narrow door that opened immediately.

"Lélia!" Fernand shouted, leaving for the street, hugging Lélia so voraciously that the woman almost fell. "You came too!" Said Fernand, happily hugging and kissing Mila, Mário, and Scarlet.

"Don't even think you're all that. We only came because we wanted to meet Pordelemor," joked Mila. "By the way," she said turning to Nahan. "Nahan, I was always very interested in Pordelemor. Fernand told me fascinating stories about the city. I would like to ask you for a visa for entry here," she said without any shyness.

"Mila," scolded Mário.

Nahan laughed.

"Of course, someone like you will be welcome here," Nahan spoke, looking at the girl from head to toe. "It is clear to me that you will do very well in these parts," Nahan fixed his eyes deeply on Mila's eyes, who blushed. "You must know that we do not often allow the entry of outsiders here, but I can see in you a need to find yourself, and Pordelemor is the ideal place for that."

"Actually, I've already found myself. I'm really looking just for fun," said the girl. "You must already know that after having entered my thoughts so blatantly. This is wrong. It's not just because you have this power that you can use it as it pleases you," Mila scolded indignantly, her happy mood drastically changed after Nahan's invasion.

"Excuse me," Nahan said, lowering his head and bowing. "It is usual for me to invade the thoughts of anyone who dares so deliberately ask me for a visa. I should have warned you before, I beg your pardon, my sincere apologies. On the other hand, if you'll allow me, I can share my thoughts with you right now, and then we'll be even."

Mila's indignation dissipated into the air, and she raised her eyebrows.

"I haven't even arrived and are already offering me an unprecedented experience?" Questioned Mila, openmouthed.

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