"I'll see with my people what we can do," said Nikolas.

"It would be also interesting if we can get the Kholodnyei Gorod's border data on Oswaldo"

"I'll also try to get that information for you, dad"

Fernand and Nikolas walked through the hallway that connected to the back building. All rooms were decorated with red wood, marble, and greenish glass. Nikolas looked more like a part of the decoration with his red hair and green eyes than the castle's king. They both climbed to the third floor and turned into a corridor on the right, which ended in a brown double door.

"Well, I'm going back to my office, I won't be able to go back to sleep anyway, and I think you want to be alone for a while; as soon as I get the information from Oswaldo's MC, I'll pass it on. If you need anything, call me," Nikolas opened the double doors that gave access to a large room with windows on three sides.

"Thanks, son," Fernand replied, entering the room and patting Nikolas on the shoulder. He then entered that room filled with sad memories. He tried to ignore them and went straight to the desk in the center of one of the room walls. There were several newspaper clippings on the table.

The day quickly dawned as Fernand bent over the papers. He read everything he could as quickly as possible and was making some notes in a notebook, he had considered whether he should write on his laptop, but he thought it safer to be traditional and keep his notes free from interception. It was eleven o'clock when one of Tachlovicka's royal employees knocked on Fernand's bedroom door and handed over two different files: the telecom information, with more than two thousand pages, and the border data, with only five pages. Fernand immediately began flipping through the pages and checking Oswaldo's places in the last year. His heart started to race when all possible clues were leading to the same place. He picked up the old phone at his desk and dialed Nikolas's room number, it was a private line that only served Kupole Hrad, and Fernand knew it would be safe to communicate from there.

"Hi, Dad?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, but from the Neftevodsk files, I understand that Oswaldo spent much more time near the ancient royal palaces in Vindobona than in Kholodnyei Gorod. I also checked the travel information from CriSPe, and there is no request for travel to Vindobona. Still, according to Kholodnyei Gorod's border data, he has been in and out of the reign several times over the past two years, mostly in towards Vindobona, the data from the telecom company made it even more precise where he was going in Vindobona. I think I really need to go there as soon as possible."

"I see. This is kinda strange."

Fernand wondered for a moment if he hadn't told his son too much.

"I'll get in touch with Lélia and check how I'm going to go there. For now, I will remain here."

"No problem, dad. You are welcome as long as you need to stay here," said Nikolas.

"Thanks, Nikolas. I think I'll take a nap now so that I can rest. Kisses, son," Fernand disconnected the call with his son, taking his MC. "Call Lélia," he ordered. A few seconds later, the firm voice on the other end answered. "Hello, we can proceed with the agreement."

"OK. I will think about how we can do this. I think it will be necessary for us to do it the old way. As soon as I make it possible, I'll let you know. Good work," Lélia disconnected the connection before Fernand.


10.01.8462 - 7:40 AM

Marta's guests had just had breakfast prepared by her and Nair, and each was now engaged in a different pastime. Mila was alone in the TV room reading when something occurred to her. She supported herself on the arms of her chair and stood up calmly, feeling a slight twinge in the right side of her belly. She walked through the Dining Room and into the Office stuffed with books and with two huge glass doors that opened onto the garden at the back of the house. Scarlet, Mário, and Nair were distributed on the sofas, while Marta was concentrated looking at her computer, sitting in front of the desk between the two windows.

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