"And it was with an iron hand that Charlotte changed this vision, Mila. It was executing many people, imposing norms and rules, making the population more equalized that she reduced violence in the world. It wasn't just for fear of punishment, it was also through education, through opportunities," Complemented Nair.

"But Nair, she created a prison in the north of the globe, in the middle of the ice, far from any life. Most were put there to die," said Mila.

"But being in the middle of the ice was something strategic. Cold clothes were not allowed, and this prevented any attempt to escape. Anyone who tried to escape would freeze in a few minutes outside the prison," Scarlet said.

"More macabre and even more perverse, Scarlet," said Mila. "And I'm not even talking about the grinding machines built south of Arkadia that executed suspects in packs. And the many crimes She committed during and after the Last War?

"Convicts, not suspects, Mila. And convicted of Superior Crimes," Marta said.

"At this point, I must agree with Mila," said Mário. "Convicted by whom? By beings other than us. Anjeamons judged them, beings that we still don't quite understand."

"Thank you, brother."

"Mila, Mário, Anjeamons are beings able to identify any lie and always bring the truth out, so they were used as a jury with decision-making power over the fate of a defendant," said Marta.

"As far as I know, Anjeamons are children who can oscillate between angels and demons. They can both bring light and joy to a place as well as instability and disturbance, depending on the attitude of those present," said Mila.

"Yes, Mila, and for that very reason, when they concluded that the defendant was innocent, most of the Anjeamons became beings of light, but when they identified that the defendant was guilty of the crimes, their forms were more frightening and grotesque. They react to the energy around them. If they perceive lies, falsehoods, and crimes, they become demons to rebuke the originator of discord, but they are angels to defend the innocent," said Marta.

"And have you ever read somewhere judgment where all seven Anjeamons agreed? A unanimous verdict? No, never, it could even get six to one, but there was always one Anjeamon who disagreed with the others. That is, there is no absolute truth. What if that one Anjeamon who acquitted a defendant was the right one, with his keenest sensitivity? And the others were wrong, and this defendant was sentenced to be dissolved in acid or crushed in a giant meat grinder?"

"Mila, please, stop this kind of subject," said Marta.

"But wasn't that what Charlotte did with those convicted of Superior Crimes?"

"I understand your point, Mila, but the world is not made only by honest people. There were many evil people, and unfortunately, those who act with violence only understand one language," said Nair.

"Evil is learned, and even though in previous generations we had the spread of violence, my generation had the precedence of living without contact with any violent attitude, this is, or at least was extinct. What is happening is punctual and will be contingent. I'm sure about that. I just don't think we need attitudes that strong and that centralizing. And since you quoted Machiavelli, I hope you remember that: "any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." Finished Mila facing her brother.

There was silence in the room while only the reporter's voice came from the television, speaking at the Two Rivers Square, right in front of The Crystal.


09.01.8462 - 6:15 AM

Fernand was lying on the bed beside Štěpán, both breathless; candles lit all over the room while salsa played over the radio, entirely out of step with the room's decoration. Fernand was startled when his MC began to vibrate.

"Hi, Lélia," he said, rejecting the video call and answering only the audio call. "How are you?"

"Hi Fernand, I'm still at CriSPe; I've already organized everything. I spoke to Charlotte, and she authorized you to leave Raghar and go to Pleiziň, but she will not be allowed to leave Tachlovicka for the time being. Authorities are already aware. I prepared a plane leaving Britchal airport eighteen hours from now, I confirmed it, and you really can't use a Royal Plane, either your children's or Asturia's, I'll charter one with a company there in Tachlovicka. Can I confirm the plane for tomorrow at 4 am?" Lélia said. Since her youth, she hadn't spent so much time awake straight away; she was agitated.

"Of course, it's good that I'll have time to rest a little more," he said, winking at the naked man on the bed as he passed his left hand over the man's private parts.

"Excellent. By the way, I sent something for you; it should be in the Štěpán window now. Take a look," Lélia said.

"What?" Fernand questioned, shocked that she knew exactly where he was.

"Open the window of Štěpán's room," Lélia commanded.

Fernand got up naked, went to the window, Štěpán, lying on the bed, did not know what was happening. Before opening the curtains, Fernand wrapped himself around one of them to prevent anyone outside from seeing him without clothes. When he opened the curtain, he noticed a metal cylinder smaller than a pen outside. He turned the window latch and opened it, allowing a strong cold wind to enter. He quickly grabbed the small cylinder and closed the window again. As soon as his hands closed over the cylinder, the device opened its ends. Fernand took a piece of paper from inside with one hand, holding the MC while Lélia waited on the other end of the line. The piece of paper was blank.

"Do you already have the paper in your hand?" Lélia asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Only you're looking at it?"


"OK," Lélia said.

At this exact moment, words began to appear on the paper, Fernand recognized Lélia's handwriting:

Think: what would be the right hand to fill Dick's position? It wouldn't be me; it would be the second. Why was I chosen? Because the second one is probably in something bigger.

Fernand mentally deciphered the message, 'It makes sense, the person best suited to take over Asturias would be the first or second secretary: Fernanda or Janaína. If Charlotte chose Lélia to take over, it's because Janaína may be involved in something bigger.'

"Do you think both are involved?" Fernand asked.

"Say goodbye to Štěpán, get dressed, and prepare for your task, Fernand."

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