23| who was i in love with

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Reaching the school I was greeted by Maya who very casually lurked on the gates as if it was her daily routine. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion and she shrugged in response. 

“I was dying to meet you,” She mumbled loud enough for the people who stood around us to hear. Sometimes, she doesn’t seem like the Maya I know. 

Near Maya stood Daris who looked quite happy as if Maya had suddenly confessed her feelings for her. I thought something along the lines that included him and Maya until I saw Daris excitedly greeting Kev. It was definitely related to Kev’s feelings for me. 

Kev and Daris talked in a hushed tone. It was majorly Daris who spoke in what I would say excited cheery voice. Maya pulled me along with her not asking a single question in between. 

“So. Would you like to talk to me?” We stopped near the lockers as the area was still destered. Exactly how early did we come today? 

“About?” I amusedly stared at her leaning against the lockers. She scrutinised me as if I was hiding something from her. 

“So you didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable with Kevin after his confession?” Maya mirrored my actions, seeming a lot more relaxed now that she asked me about her worries.

“And exactly why would I?” I counter questioned her. “Kev's been my best friend and I am definitely not replacing him with anyone. He loves me doesn’t mean he is going to put a pause on our friendship. And what’s there to feel awkward or uncomfortable about? He’s been the same way he was before he confessed or after he confessed. Yes, the feelings from his side have changed and he has started to love me but does that mean I distance myself from him? I might be the only person who feels like this but I can not feel awkward. Maya, I can not, even after the feelings got involved, can not feel awkward around Kev,” 

Maya’s lips were curved in a genuine full smile and her eyes twinkled. She held my hand and squeezed it happily. 

“I’m actually so happy because if you would have felt awkward around him I would have felt so weird and so bad. I still remember the day Kev introduced me to you. ‘Maya, this is Rose,’. If it wasn’t for him I might have spent my highschool years all alone. I am an introvert and so are you so I guess we would have never talked if Kev hadn’t forced us to,”

“I had to add ‘-enhaem’ afterwards,” I remembered the memory very well. I was embarrassed in front of a stranger. “I agree though. We would have never talked,” 

“Well if it’s fine with you then it’s fine with everyone,” She stood straighter, staring at someone behind me. “But it seems like I have to leave you alone,” I tried to ask her what it was but I soon got my answer.

“Hey,” Owen’s voice made an appearance before he did and I straightened my posture so fast. I was so wrong for thinking that he wouldn't notice because he certainly did as he tried to bite back his smile.

“Hi,” I croaked, definitely not liking the way my voice came out. I was talking to Maya just fine.

“Why do you look like this,” His question had my hands flying up to my face. Was there anything over my face? 

“Like what?”

“Like deep in thought,” I visibly relaxed, removing my hands from my face and crossing them against my chest instead.

“So you can read people's faces,” I curiously asked, a small smile slipping on my lips. 

Maybe just yours,” It took me no more than a few seconds to realise what Owen was trying to do. I had been flirted with by one guy so much that I know every single thing about it.

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