05| rudolf nose red

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It would have made much more sense if I had stayed in the cafe since I didn't had the umbrella but since I was a rain lover and had been doing the 'run out in the rain and enjoy' thing for ages I didn't mind doing it again.

The cafe was hardly twenty minutes away from my home if I walked but I decided to sprint, so I covered the distance in half time.

I always wanted to try it out in the rain. To have your wet hair fly behind you as you step foot in the little puddles while having rain drops hitting your body.

While I stood outside of Kev's home knocking on his door I mentally cut off one thing from my imaginative bucket list. The breeze was hitting my wet body making me shudder for a bit but it also have its own thrill.

A few seconds later the door opened to a confused looking Mr. Wilder whose expressions changed into worrisome and then relief.

"Blake's here, Frank" I later realized he held his phone to his ear and he was talking to my father. I sure worry my father a lot. I sure worry every person who knows me a lot.

My father warned me about to take an umbrella but he must knew that I wouldn't had taken one. I silently greeted him and took a step in their house standing in one corner. Water wasn't dripping from my clothes anymore but I was still very wet.

Before I could process anything a towel was over my head and I knew it was Mrs. Wilder. She had handed another towel to me to dry off my clothes and proceeded to dry off my hairs.

"You should have left after the rain stopped," I giggled to my own self. She reminded of my mother at times. Mrs. Lily Wilder was an extremely sweet lady and moreover she was a great mother.

"If I had I wouldn't have been able to receive your care like this," I wrapped the towel around my self and peered at her through my now untangled hairs.

"You are one silly girl," Her lips were curling upwards as she spoke. "Come on, let's provide you with some warm clothes" She pulled me with herself towards their room and I obliged happily. I heard Mr. Wilder still talking to my father.

My face instantly lit up when I realized that I would be getting another hoodie of Kev. It was always fun having his hoodies to myself.


"Your father said to keep you put until rain stops," Mr. William Wilder laughed looking at me because I knew I looked like a penguin. A 5'8" penguin. Kev's clothes were huge for me.

"Ofcourse, why not. But if you cook me your delicious Chicken Enchiladas," I had decided to stay even if Mr. Wilder rejects to cook me the dish but I know he wouldn't. Both, Mr and Mrs Wilder made absolutely delicious food. My father and them were like a team. Whenever we gather, the trio make sure to try some new dishes. I am not sure about Kev though. The last time that boy decided to make pancakes he burnt the pan and the spatula. Some real talent in cooking he has. "Until then I will annoy your favourite son,"

"He is suddenly sick," He announced and I scrunched up my eyes at him. He was totally okay till the morning until... Until I hugged him? Did he get sick after that? "Apparently you guys haven't fight, right? Because if so he is always ranting how you make sense,"

"Well, I promise to bring him down for food," I winked at Mr. Wilder and he nodded back in response. He was like a father figure to me. The way my father loved Kev the same way Kev parents loved me. According to Kev, they loved me more than him.

Climbing up the stairs skipping one after another I was standing in front of Kev's room. Knocking on his door I collected my breath since I was slightly out of it.

"I'm sleeping Mom," Kev shouted in what I would call 'full energy' voice. There was no hint of sleepiness or tiredness in his voice. At least people should lie nicely.

"You have got good energy for someone who was sleeping," I levelled my voice to the same pitch as his and yelled back. Not more than three seconds later Kev stood in front of me shocked and flushed.

My red coloured cheeks would make sense since I practically ran over the stairs but Kev, who said he was sleeping having those cheeks didn't make sense at all.

"Ly, why are you here?" He whispered for no absolute reason. I wonder if he want to still lie his parents that he is sleeping.

"I heard you were sick,"

"Yeah, okay. I'm sorry I didn't attend you medical degree graduation ceremony. When did it happen?" Sick or not, he sure kept his sass healthy.

"Cut it. Why do you look so red?" My question made him hide his cheeks in his hands. Talk about weirdness! "Rudolf nose red"

"That's because you are here," Kev exclaimed quietly and I doubted if he had hurt his head somewhere after he walked away in morning.

I took a double take at him. What have I done? “Last time I checked I wasn't some fairy colouring the world red Kev,"

“You've hugged me,” I nodded hearing him. “And I can not forget it and since you are standing in front of me I am... I am flushed,”

“Kev don't friends hug all the time? We are an unusual pair, I agree and I know it's a little awkward between us because it was the first time but shying away like and wondering about it all won't make it okay,” I was saying it all in one breath. I have to knock some sense into Kev. That was the reason I sprinted here in the rain. “And just to point it out to you, I have won the challenge Kev,”

“No, not at all,” Kev stared at me bewilderedly. Maybe he hadn't realized it yet but I had won the challenge fair and square and that also in one shot.

“You have been affected by it and thats what I had to prove, right? You are knocked out in only one attempt,” I was unintentionally smirking. Maybe it was the excitement of already winning the challenge.

“Nice try Ly but there is no way that I am letting you win this easily,”

“Oh, there is the Kev I know,” I pointed out crossing my arms against my chest. Watching a flustered Kevi was awkward. Though I had won but there was no way I was letting Kev behave that way.

I had been so accustomed to seeing Kev the sassy way. Even it means to accept my defeat over my victory, I'll prefer having old Kev by my side.

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