16| mug cakes are real cakes

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Ly had asked me if I was jealous? Jealous and me? And from whom?

Owen? Huh!

I knew she had a few screws loose but I guess they all had fallen out now. Why in the world would I be jealous of a boy she has a crush on? It was not like I was in love with her or anything. 

Weird girl. 

Shrugging those thoughts I focused on physics numericals. We were getting a mid winter break after this upcoming week but I was trying to put as much physics in my brain as I could. 

In the winter break I had to also do my basketball practice while making up for every single time I took a rain check from Ly for the chemistry practice or tutoring as I would like to put it. 


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. As much as I would say that this quotation had my respect, I would say I didn’t act upon it. I slept late and I hated waking up in the morning. I was not a morning person nor was I a noon or day person. I may be a night person, call me an owl instead.

I hated this but I woke up early today. I slept early yesterday so it might be due to that. Stretching and rubbing my eyes I walked till my window and looked out. The street was silent. Students still had to wake up and adults still had to leave for work. 

I was about to turn around when I saw Ly leaving her house. I frowned checking the time again. There was a lot of time left for both of us to leave for school.

Why was she leaving early? 

A question mark loomed over my head as I saw her leave. My instinct was telling me something was wrong so I quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up. 

I wanted to leave Ly alone but only when I could read that she didn’t feel down and just now I could sense that something was wrong. After that one night Ly’s father and my parents spent in the hospital ER crying for Ly I could only promise to myself to not leave her alone when she was feeling disturbed.  


Ly was nowhere. She wasn’t in the classroom nor was she in the ground or or cafeteria. The thought that she had went somewhere else only increased.

Climbing the stairs I pushed open the door. It was the last place at school where she could be. As I scanned the roof area the sight in front of me scared me. Ly was standing over the ledge. She was on the edge and there was hardly anyone in the school.  

I ran towards and wrapped my hand around her waist pulling her down. She fell onto me and I held her in my arms securely. What was the reason she was doing this? She was fine the day before yesterday when we met. What happened in just a day that she was taking this step? 

I didn’t hold back and asked her. And that idiot girl wasn’t there for what I had thought of. She was thinking? Thinking there on the ledge? At such a dangerous place? One slip and she could fall into an abyss where she couldn’t come back from.

The reason she was like this was because of the necklace she always wore. She had told me it was a gift from her mother. The infinity necklace dangled from her fist and swayed. She broke it. I couldn’t see where it broke from but as I kept my palm underneath her hand and the necklace slipped out of her hand I saw the clasp was broken. 

We could fix it. I will fix it for her. If it makes her happy I would fix anything for her and never in my life again am I letting this girl stand over the ledge!

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