11| maya angry, maya smash

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There was a slight twinge of pain in my chest when Ly asked me to let go of her hand but it soon dissolved when I saw the smile on her face. I was done talking with the coach and instead of interrupting Ly I made my way back to class dropping her a message. 

Reaching at the door of the class I saw Maya sitting on her usual seat but today instead of sleeping or having a frown on her face which was always there in Chemistry class she had a smile on her face. I dumped my bag down on my seat catching her attention.

“What did Daris have to talk about?” I made sure that there was ample amount curiosity in my tone because I was as clueless as Ly. Weren't we?

“Well,” She paused. “He was the one who wrote me that sticky note. By the way you really didn't recognize his writing?” 

“Really?” I faked as much shock as I could but I did not go overboard. Maya was a keen observer. “ Of course not. I am not an observer like you but leave it. Tell me what did you say?”

“Um… first I told him thank you for liking me which I know was dumb before you butt in mister Kevin but I haven’t talked to any guy before,” She thanked Daris for liking her? 

“I am a guy,” I said.

“Yeah but you don’t like me,” I quickly nodded my head. “I thought he would find me weird but he smiled and called me cute,”

“What about you? You think he is cute?” I was gathering information like a detective. Cupid detective.

“More on the handsome line I think. Also a boy with good manners? I don’t know yet. You know I don’t build up impressions of first meeting but the best part is he got dimples and on both cheeks,” Maya was beaming with happiness as she talked. She literally was cute. “I told him to give me some time to think and he said okay,”

“That’s cool. He is handsome, is on the basketball team, has dimples, has good manners, I assure you that,” I counted Daris qualities. 

“Where’s Blake though?” Maya glanced at the door and back at me.

“She found Owen,” I grinned and so did Maya. “I wonder if they realise class is about to start soon,” 

As on cue Ly rushed in the class along with other students. Her cheeks were flushed red and she was breathing heavily. She gave me glare as she slumped beside Maya.  

“I heard you met Owen,” I knew from Maya’s tone that she was eager to know. Why were girls always excited to know about other’s love life? I don't think I would be eager like that ever.

Ly nodded in affirmative as she pointed her index finger at me. “I did but then he decided to come to class without telling me,”

I gawked at her in disbelief. “I gave you privacy,” What did she want me to do? Come back and make them both uncomfortable. “I dropped you a message dumbhead,”

“You made it to class so it’s fine. Tell me what happened? Any progress?” Maya dissolved the rising fight between Ly and me.

“He asked for my number so I gave,” Ly informed but a skeptical look passed over her face. I turned round on my seat looking at the front as he teacher walked in. “But I don’t know why I am thinking this suddenly but what if he is a weirdo?”

I quickly scribbled a message on a paper I tore from my notebook and threw it backwards.

You’re a weirdo too,” Ly read the paper in monotone. “Did I ask for King Kevin’s opinion?”

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