01| a crush at third sight

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Love is bound to happen. People who don't even believe in love, falls in love. Even the ruthless mafias and gang leaders fall in love. Love is between every relation in this world. 'Love' is not a word to define the feelings between a man and a woman. It's universal. Every relation is based over love and trust.

But having a crush over someone doesn't mean to love the same person. It means to like the person for certain habits and handsome face. One must accept it, we all have crushes on the boys with handsome face and personality. Bonus, the humor.

Talking about crushes, I have twenty nine crushes. Yes, at the very same moment. It's not in my control after seeing the sweet gestures and handsome faces. Crushes just happen.

Out of these twenty nine crushes, unfortunately twenty eight are famous people which I would like to call unreal people. I have no chance of meeting them ever in my life and by chance, if I stumble upon anyone of them they are not going to kneel and ask my hand in marriage.

So talking about my twenty eight crushes is as time wasting as watching an ice cube melt in winter. My twenty ninth crush though, is what I say is on a real person.

A face to face crush. A person I am able to see from a few steps difference.

He is nineteen years old, same as me. He is in my school. He is in the football team. But me and him don't share any classes together. Owen Watson. The boy I have a crush on.

It was not an instant crush. In fact, when the first time I saw him I was extremely jealous. Jealous of his freaky long eyelashes. His eyelashes are beautiful. It's the eyelashes women would kill eachother for. I always think about it. Why do boys have naturally beautiful eyelashes while girls are left to use mascara to fake elongate them. They aren't just long but its dark and thick and they are beautiful.

The second time I saw him I was envious of his no pimple face. That is some sorcery going over here. I have monthly pimples subscription. A subscription I didn't do with my heart. More specifically, a subscription I didn't do at all.

So imagine the pain and hurt I felt when he walked from beside me with a skin glowing like that. That made me realize he must spend his time taking care of his face while I don't even care. So after that I searched for a lot of hacks. A few didn't work on me but eventually I found the one that worked. Pimples still visited me but not that regularly.

But what made my heart decide to crush over him was a very simple act but believe me it's what I think is crush-able. Huh, is that even a word?

He just ran his hand through his jet black hair very loosely in a front to back motion and I just stared and stared. It was bit creepy but hey, he didn't notice at all because he just walked away and he didn't realize the two pair of eyes that belonged to me or more, ofcourse the other girls- I didn't count- that watched him. For him it was just natural and normal, everyday, out of habit action but for me it was the eye catching moment.

He didn't notice me at all but sure someone else did. The someone else was named Wilder, Kevin Wilder who happened to be my best friend.

Kevin falls into the group of boys with handsome face and personality. He also have got that humorous bone in him but unfortunately I did not have a crush over him but that doesn't mean that no one crushes over Kev! Girls do and girls stare at him!

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