"I dunno..." Ivory said hiding behind Steve's leg.

"Well, my name is Sam...the way we met was a little scary, but I sure didn't forget you. What's your name?"

"Go ahead, you wanna tell him your name?" Steve said encouraging Ivory to speak up for herself.

"I-I..." Ivory began looking up at Steve.

"It's okay, take your time, just like we practiced."

"I-I am...Ivory..." Ivory says continuing to hold her gaze with Sam. Steve could tell Ivory was afraid, but he was proud of her for going outside of her comfort zone.

"Ivory!" The girl shouted smiling proudly that she was able to correctly introduce herself. "I am Ivory..."

"Those are some good words kid, good job! High five?" Sam offered holding his hand out.

"No, No...like this!" Ivory said balling her little hand up to form a fist.

"Ohh, so you're a fist bump type of girl!" Sam said chuckling, giving the girl a fist bump.


"Yes, I am Sam."

"Like Sam-I-am!" Ivory cheered excitedly referencing one of her favorite doctor Seuss stories.

"That's right, Sam-I-am." Sam replied trying not to laugh.

"You Sam, I am Ivory!" Ivory smiled excited fist bumping Sam again. Natasha watched Ivory extremely proud of the moment she shared with Sam.

"You still hungry?" Natasha asks, lifting the girl onto her hip.


"I just whipped up breakfast not long ago, there's plenty for you guys." Sam says leading them all to the kitchen. "There's Pancakes...eggs...sausage..."

"I know someone who likes pancakes..." Natasha said looking at Ivory.


"Wow Steve I'm impressed...after everything I've heard about Ivory, it seems like you guys have definitely been working with her...that's awesome progress." Sam compliments.

"I know...I give her credit, she may be two, but she is so smart that it's kind of scary..." Natasha says.

"I know, I'm proud of her too." Steve adds. "She took a situation that was so frightening to her, and turned it into a learning experience in a matter of seconds...if that doesn't tell you the type of father Bucky is, then I don't know what else does..."

"She's a quick learner," Sam says. "She has you both to thank for that.

"So...Where's Sarah and the boys?" Steve asks, while him and Natasha put together plates, sitting down at the table.

"AJ and Cass are at school, Sarah just left out for work not too long ago. She only works half days so she'll probably be in around 1ish and then to pick up the boys from school." Sam says, as he had finished putting together a small plate for Ivory.

Sam placed the plate in front the girl and she instantly became shy.

"What do you say?" Natasha says to the girl.

Worth Fighting For| B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now