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Name:Uva Age:ImmortalLook

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Goal:Take revenged on kazari,Fight neo,learning the new world he are live thank to kazari,Learn to make thing isn't rush rather slow down a bit,Tranining with neo,Find his purpose of life than chase the medals,Neglighted kazari when he try stab ba...

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Goal:Take revenged on kazari,Fight neo,learning the new world he are live thank to kazari,Learn to make thing isn't rush rather slow down a bit,Tranining with neo,Find his purpose of life than chase the medals,Neglighted kazari when he try stab back on his back,Beat kazari up or cut every limb of him,Begin his desires of make a game battle for him and his team,Needless join ooo team,Creat grimm yummies to make more thrill in battle,bring back mezzol and gamel later teach them of changing,Fight ankh and slowly end him,Revenged ooo,Help neo surpass her past and toruted her abuse parent with neo,spent a time with neo,Help team ooo again Salem if it is involded to the game,Fight arce ops to show who is boss here.

Allies:Neo,Kazari(sometimes),Roman(sometimes),Mezzol and gamel

Tyrain,Arce ops,Jame ironwood

Allification:The rogue(leader)

Allias:The cunning bug,nasty bug(roman),A bug brain(kazari),The frog(point himself),Game talk and master.Uv(Neo),Clever bug

Villain type:Anti-Criminal monster

Rider type:Anti-hero/anti-villain

Love interest:Neopoltian/trivia vanille

Love interest:Neopoltian/trivia vanille

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Quotes "I was expect you to come ankh"

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"I was expect you to come ankh"

"And here we are again,just you and me ankh,i was waitting a long time"

"You might have armor ankh but i have evol,i'm a different person"

"You see kazari,you allaways betray people on the back and lied too that make you become more predictable to me"

"Let me guess you go meet cinder are you?still same old you,you never change"

"I don't whose is worst you or kazari,kazari i can let him life cause he have so much value and can be usefull while you cinder,you are nothing than just a dog,whose bark with no end,you remind so much of mine old self,selfish,coward use other people as pawn,unlike you i know mine limited,you're the rock bottom of the world!"

"Let this be a lesson kazari,wrong answer or slow,betray me i won't hesitated to RIP AND TEAR YOU!"

"You can finish ooo and two anyoning bastard but leave ankh for me,i'm the only KILL HIM"

"I don't have a parent and don't know what it mean,but...I know that parent should supposed they children need,they desires,NOT FOCING THEM AND ABUSE THEM"

"I only abuse those desever to be abuse but children never,i will never abuse them"

"What is point of complete if you just have one stupid cause destroy everything and what next,nothing find medal and chase it all pointless,and that is why i tired of be a dog,I'm who i'm,i'm uva and i won't be chain by those stupid coin anymore,i will have mine desires and that is star a fight game on this world"

Villiain and anti-hero/anti-villainWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu