Kamen rider Scissor(ryuki x fairy tail)

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Name:Masashi Sudo

Name:Masashi Sudo Age:20 Look

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Goal:Kill everlue cause he and him have to illegal works torgther,Revenged Ren/knight,Fight shinji/ryuki,Kill grim reaper when he have a chance,Work torgther with Shinji and natsu team later betray them,Work torgther with Jun so that both of them ...

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Goal:Kill everlue cause he and him have to illegal works torgther,Revenged Ren/knight,Fight shinji/ryuki,Kill grim reaper when he have a chance,Work torgther with Shinji and natsu team later betray them,Work torgther with Jun so that both of them can get rip ren one and for all,Kill Zebraskull for revenged his father,Protect yukino,Kill sabertooth leader and let volcancer eat him,Over his Fear of volcancer,Join rider war to have his freedom.


Enemies:Shinji/ryuki,Ren/knight,kitaoka/Zolda,Tezuka/Raia,Tojo/Tiger,Mitsuru/Impere,Asakura/Ouja,jiemma Orland,Avartar,Fairy tail,Natsu team,Grimoire heart,Takamizawa/Verde,Jun/Gai,Kamata/Abyss,Mirror monster,Volcancer(sometimes),Elipclise spirit,Dragon,Magcial council,Tatartors,Raven tail


Allias:Crab guy,Crab man,Weakest man of all(sabertooth member),Corrupted police

Villain type:Corrupted Anti-hero

Rider type:Anti-Villain/Anti-hero

Love interest:Yukino

Love interest:Yukino

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Quotes "I must get rip Everlue,afterall fat asshole is nothing than just a walking bowling ball loudmouth"

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"I must get rip Everlue,afterall fat asshole is nothing than just a walking bowling ball loudmouth"

"Is time for Payback knight"

"No,not,not again,i don't want it get away from me!!!!"

"Being rider is sure interested but there will be a price of be rider that you have to fight"

"Sight contract with your monster is like you sight a contract to demon"

"I don't have a any parents,I was a orphane lonely on the street pick up trash food eat it one day a old man came see me like this he pick me up,i have a perfect life,The one save me turn out is a lair he using animal making them become it is a rare creature,suddenly i don't why i like what he doing,i smile of course cause i was a little.I like what he doing it make him happy,Few day later i want him stop what he doing,I join police thought i could help people but I realize some people don't need cop,Become cop salary only a little,and i don't want my old man have to lair so i become a liar do illegal thing.Most of corrupted police do illegal use money for drug and girl while i using it for my father,Give him a better life,But become a rider meaning you have throw everything.So have no choice by throw away my humanity and forcus on the war"

"I don't fell good when i kill those people,I don't know who they are but they have a family"

"This time you aren't go anywhere i will KILL YOU"

"In this world doesn't have meditcal lesson,well lucky i know a few of it,The forehead is the weakpoint of human,Your magic won't work if you already death,Let see what fast the glass i point or your magic"

"If you ever dear said yukino take her clothes infornt of them,The next place i go stab you,is not your hand"

"There is no turning back for me,i will keep fight and survive,soon i will out of this war and have mine freedom back,back of be human no matter what"

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