Kamen rider tyrfing

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Name:Envy the jealous

Name:Envy the jealous Age:175 Look

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Second look

Anti-goal:back Torgther with his "family" and bring choas to code geass world,kill suzuka,Save euphemia(he like it cause he are bored)Take the information to His team and "family",Attempted assassin Kenzan,Learning to fight with desast,Standing up...

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Anti-goal:back Torgther with his "family" and bring choas to code geass world,kill suzuka,Save euphemia(he like it cause he are bored)Take the information to His team and "family",Attempted assassin Kenzan,Learning to fight with desast,Standing up for himself,Finished his "family"and team,Learn alchemist to make him more stronger,Challenged sword of logo,Black knight,Kill all those in britannina,training(use those britannina as his meat bag),Protect euphemia(he don't have a choice),Be with euphemia,kill her farther(charles),

Allies:Desast(mentor),Euphemia,Mao(using him)

Lust(sometime),Holy empire britannian,Kallen stadfles,Black knight,diethard

Aliffication:League of anarchy and choas,Holy empire britannian,Black knight(Sometimes),Knight of round(sometime),Sword of logo(sometime)

Villain type:tragic serial killer/wrathfull killer

Love interest:Euphemia li Britannia

Love interest:Euphemia li Britannia

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His form

Rider form

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Rider form

Quotes "Human are stupid,they throw aways they live on they pointless thing!"

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"Human are stupid,they throw aways they live on they pointless thing!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahah i begin like people in this human,oh they begin live like they true nature now,killing each other,stepping on each other whethere good or bad is doesn't matter hahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"Human are so easily to mainpulated,they so stupid and a worm really wasted the time espcially those britannia they think they are all mighty but i see they are just another pathiec worm that i going step them one day!"

"Woah there no need to get a fight!i don't like fighting!"

"Britannia and black knight what is point of this war is pointless just like i star the war in my world,human so stupid they begin star kill becaues they jealous people,they don't accepted,they have little small brain,Even this world human aren't that different they keep make a pointless war,but it make me fell good to see you little low firestruck kill each other hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahah!"

"The truth is zero,you begin like those britannia,is doesn't matter about are you fight,what you fighting is pointless,when you done it oh there will be a price of it!"

"Heheheh!as frist i thought fight was so messy but...i was wrong fight was SO MUCH FUN,i can fell my jealousy of human is replace the fell OF THRILL IN FIGHT,hahahahahahahhahahaahhahah I can't wait to fight them again and see those pathiec face of them when they be beat up hahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahabwhahahahhgwhahahahhahkwhahahahahhaha!"

"I no one side,britannia,black knight,megidon,sword of logo i no one side,i only on my side!the side of me kill those stand in my way!"

"That is all best you got ah!give more of fight of now Raghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Don't you dare look down on me You motherfirestruck HUMAN BRITANNIA!"

"No one is alwayas good!"

"Hahahahhaahhahahahahahhaahhahaahhaahhahahahahahahh you want play like this Eh Zero fine i TWO CAN PLAY!,i will crush you stupid dream and hope to peices,you will fell despair and hopeless till then i KILL hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahabwhahahhahahahagwhahahahhakwgagahahhahahahahakwhahahahhaZwhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhh!"

"Let those Human have they celerbrattion it will be they final party,they're in heaven but suddendly THEY DRAG TO HELL hahahahhaahhahaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhabwhahahahhahahgwhahahhahahahahahahha!"

"I will give you all a one way ticket to HELL!"

"Listen up you old firetruck,saber and zero are mine to kill,you STAY OUT OF THIS or else i'm going bring all your firetruck family reuion in HELL!"

"What does matter eh?That is all you got,hahhahahhahaha i can't wait to see zero face when i give him a present,present of his limb little brother oh little his sister too hahahahhahahahahahahhahahabwhahahahhahahahahgwhahahahhahahkwhahahahha!"

"Heheheh!hahahahhaahhahahahah you call yourself immortal?let me tell you,you're nothing than just a fake immortal,what you guy use geass make contract and replace that person become immortal hahahahahhaahhahahahahah what a funny CRAP i ever heard hahahahahahahahabwhahahaha.I'M TRUE IMMORTAL HERE!You human are just those little worm let no cockroach to be excatly.But the cockroach will die like a insect hahahahahahahahahahah.I SUPERIOR THAN YOU ALL,I CAN'T DIE,I CAN HEAL MYSEFL AGAIN AND OVER AGAIN,I DON'T NEED A BULLCRAP CONTRACT,I'M ENVY THE HOMUCULIS...no...wait i'm not Homuculis annymore i'm more than that,watashi wa....DEATHO hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahabwhahahahahahhahahahhahahahagwhahahhahahahhahakwhahahahhahahahahha!"



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