37: Day 5: Assassination Classroom

Start from the beginning

He tried to help in simple way, but his help was also like how shadows work, he help them without taking credits. Katsuki distant himself to everyone other than the beansquad.

He told Izuku whats happening in the class 2-A and Izuku started to regret his decision that time.

"I shouldn't let them got those credits... Those vultures, they have a fault but not as big as mine. I can't give the credit to Endeavour because I'm sure Karma-kun will get mad. Not with other top heroes too, it will make ir worst... I..." Izuku cried in arms of Katsuki, holding his anger to himself.

Katsuki understand, Izuku hac no choice that time and the best choice was them. Its not entirely his fault, but Medias had big part why they change and forget what kind of hero they wanted to be.

That day, when Katsuki talk to his boyfriend, Izuku let him see his fragile state, he cried and just telling his regret doing those mistake.

"Nerd... You might be a genius but it doesn't mean you are not human anymorem people make mistake, its normal..." Katsuki whisper. Letting Izuku understand it wasn't his fault.

Katsuki tried to help too by winning all the fight he had in the school. But it backfired since he had been considered as "Symbol of Victory" already. He thought that by letting them lose, they will realize that there are people who's far more stronger than them.

Bur it turns out, his win was twisted to become an evidence on how strong they are. In the end, he just give up.


Izuku could feel his rage reaching his limit when he saw Katsuki. Katsuku could feel his boyfriend was mad.

He shiver to the thought that Izuku might lashed out but Izuku just go to him, hugs him and cried. Izuku just release all the anger, frustration, and his guilt to what happen in the past.

Katsuki immediately connect what happen, he knew Izuku use Stain for Iida, Iida must done something to increase Izuku's anger.

"Do you want to talk about this shi--?" Katsuki ask. Izuku nodded so Katsuki guided Izuku to their room. Katsuki clench his fist, he will talk to that four eyes the next time they met.


"W-what?" Most of the "dead" students ask. Looking to how Villain Team goofing around really shock them. They been in that place since there "death" and all of the things they see is the serious side of them.

Mostly they discuss there plans and some normal conversation, they even saw them just casually enjoy the Amusement park. But they didn't see the goofy side of the villain team.

Whats more, their goof side is rather.... Unique.

"I see... I didn't know..." Yui said and sigh.

"Somethings wrong, Yui-chan?" Komori ask.

"The villain team... They are part of AC Project..." Yui said. Most of them are confused.

"What AC Project?" Ochako ask.

"For those who don't know, I am part of a hero family. AC Project is one of the Biggest but unspoken Project of the Government. I'm not surprise none of you knew it because I only accidentallu found out about that Project," Yui explain.

"Could you elaborate..." Surprisingly, Monoma ask.

"AC Project or what they call Assassination Classroom Project is an unspoken project of Government. There is only one goal and that was to kill the Rising Number One Villain before All For One took the title again," Yui explain.

"You mean, the one who explode the moon?" Kamakiri ask. Yui nodded.

"This..." Mina said in shock.

"From what I read, the villain will stay to a certain place and thats will be the ground where he could be killed. Inside the contract, the villain will stay in that place which is a classroom of Kunogigaoka Junior High in exchange of teaching a whole class. The students will have a year to kill the villain while they are studying under the villain itself. It also stated in the contract that he can't hurt any of the student... In short, this group was trained to kill the rising number One villain who was known to his speed and skills that could blown the moon!" Yui said. All of them was shock.

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