venti x reader |19|...suicidal reader

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VERY SENSITIVE TOPIC, but it was a request so I guess I'll be nice to this individual. @MoonieShroomie this is for yaaaaa... (Hoping the weird @thing worked cuz I'm not going back to fix it if it didn't work)

I look up at the sky as my legs dangle off the building. The moonlight shone upon me. Tears fall from my eyes, running down my cheek and falling onto the concrete roof.

I stand up, getting ready to part from this world and move on to the next. I walk up to the edge of the building. As I get ready to jump, I hear fast and loud footsteps coming from behind me.

"(Y/N)!" Said a very familiar voice.

"Venti?!" I shout with surprise.

Turning around, I lose my balance. I silently gasp, trying to keep from falling.

Venti very quickly sprints to come to my aid. Reaching out his hand to grab mine. Luckily, before I fell off the building he caught me.

I looked down, the cars passing by and the wind blowing against my body.

"What the hell (Y/N)?!" Venti screamed as tears fell from his face. He pulled me up, and dragged me away from the edge of the building.

"Why are you he-" I attempt to say but get cut off by Venti.

"(Y/N). You said you'd come to my place... You never came and so I got worried. And one of your friends said you were heading to this tall hecking place. And knowing you're very suicidal I quickly came here.". he said as more tears fell from his eyes.

It was silent for a moment. I watched Venti cry right in front of me, holding my hand tighter than ever.

He pulled me into a hug, his tears soaking my sweatshirt.

I was filled with regret, though I was grateful I wasn't dead.

"I'm so, so sorry..." I said softly, my voice shaking.

Venti looked up at me, with his sparkling teary eyes. "Promise me you'll never try this again." He said with desperation.

I nodded, as he pulled me into another hug.

"I love you (Y/N), I'm here for you, always..."

Not my best but I wanted to satisfy this individual, and to those who do struggle in life please refrain from performing such actions. And if you need someone to talk to, surely I'll be here. TALK TO MEEE!! I hope you all have a wonderful day/night/afternoon, and please drink water and eat <3 Ilysvm

Also I'd like to thank you all for finding my book and I! I hope you guys are enjoying what I put out there, hehe. ILYSMMM!! <3

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